A note on Rudin's sxample of Dowker space
Simon, P. (1972)
General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Field, Michael, Golubitsky, Martin, Nicol, Matthew (1994)
Equadiff 8
Segeth, Karel (2015)
Application of Mathematics 2015
Spline theory is mainly grounded on two approaches: the algebraic one (where splines are understood as piecewise smooth functions) and the variational one (where splines are obtained via minimization of quadratic functionals with constraints). We show that the general variational approach called smooth interpolation introduced by Talmi and Gilat covers not only the cubic spline but also the well known tension spline (called also spline in tension or spline with tension). We present the results of...
Charalambous, M. G. (1977)
General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra IV
Goetz, A. (1962)
General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Li, Yu, Lin, Qun, Xie, Hehu (2013)
Applications of Mathematics 2013
In this paper, we present a parallel scheme to solve the population balance equations based on the method of characteristics and the finite element discretization. The application of the method of characteristics transform the higher dimensional population balance equation into a series of lower dimensional convection-diffusion-reaction equations which can be solved in a parallel way. Some numerical results are presented to show the accuracy and efficiency.
Šeda, V. (1979)
Equadiff IV
Rabinowitz, Paul H. (1979)
Equadiff IV
Torriani, Hugo H. (1987)
Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"
Arens, R. (1962)
General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Majewski, Martin (1993)
Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"
This paper contains an announcement of a result, which settles the connection between various algebraic models for rational homotopy theory: the models of Quillen, Sullivan and Adams-Hilton-Anick. It is shown how this result, combined with a recent result of Anick, implies a conjecture of H. J. Baues and J. M. Lemaire [Math. Ann. 225, 219-245 (1977; Zbl 0322.55019)].We describe in some detail the construction of these models (Section 1). We present a variant of the Adams-Hilton model, which is defined...
Claude Lobry (1992)
Annales de l'institut Fourier
L’interprétation dans la langue naturelle d’un résultat mathématique peut être délicate. La théorie des bifurcations fournit un exemple récent ou des problème d’interprétation ont motive des développements mathématiques nouveaux de la théorie. L’article plaide pour une plus grande prise en considération de ces questions dans les revues mathématiques.
Mario Villa (1958)
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana
Vinicio Villani (1999)
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana
Gürlebeck, Klaus, Sprössig, Wolfgang (1990)
Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"
Hitt, Fernando (2003)
Boletín de la Asociación Matemática Venezolana
Janyška, Josef (2001)
Proceedings of the 20th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"
Haller, Stefan (2004)
Proceedings of the 23rd Winter School "Geometry and Physics"
Ortaçgil, Ercüment (2004)
Proceedings of the 23rd Winter School "Geometry and Physics"
Fischer, Gerald (1999)
Proceedings of the 18th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"
Let be a field. The generalized Leibniz rule for higher derivations suggests the definition of a coalgebra for any positive integer . This is spanned over by , and has comultiplication and counit defined by and (Kronecker’s delta) for any . This note presents a representation of the coalgebra by using smooth spaces and a procedure of microlocalization. The author gives an interpretation of this result following the principles of the quantum theory of geometric spaces.