Displaying 81 – 100 of 2200

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A short philosophical note on the origin of smoothed aggregations

Fraňková, Pavla, Hanuš, Milan, Kopincová, Hana, Kužel, Roman, Vaněk, Petr, Vastl, Zbyněk (2013)

Applications of Mathematics 2013

We derive the smoothed aggregation two-level method from the variational objective to minimize the final error after finishing the entire iteration. This contrasts to a standard variational two-level method, where the coarse-grid correction vector is chosen to minimize the error after coarse-grid correction procedure, which represents merely an intermediate stage of computing. Thus, we enforce the global minimization of the error. The method with smoothed prolongator is thus interpreted as a qualitatively...

A strengthening of the Poincaré recurrence theorem on MV-algebras

Riečan, Beloslav (2012)

Applications of Mathematics 2012

The strong version of the Poincaré recurrence theorem states that for any probability space ( Ω , 𝒮 , P ) , any P -measure preserving transformation T : Ω Ω and any A 𝒮 almost every point of A returns to A infinitely many times. In [8] (see also [4]) the theorem has been proved for MV-algebras of some type. The present paper contains a remarkable strengthening of the result stated in [8].

A survey of boundary value problems for bundles over complex spaces

Harris, Adam (2002)

Proceedings of the 21st Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Let X be a reduced n -dimensional complex space, for which the set of singularities consists of finitely many points. If X ' X denotes the set of smooth points, the author considers a holomorphic vector bundle E X ' A , equipped with a Hermitian metric h , where A represents a closed analytic subset of complex codimension at least two. The results, surveyed in this paper, provide criteria for holomorphic extension of E across A , or across the singular points of X if A = . The approach taken here is via the metric...

Abelova cena v roce 2017 udělena za teorii waveletů

Michal Křížek (2017)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Abelovu cenu za matematiku získal v roce 2017 francouzský matematik Yves Meyer za rozvoj teorie waveletů. V článku se seznámíme s jeho vědeckým životopisem, hlavní myšlenkou teorie waveletů a jejich použitím v praxi.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 2200