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A Banach space dichotomy theorem for quotients of subspaces

Valentin Ferenczi (2007)

Studia Mathematica

A Banach space X with a Schauder basis is defined to have the restricted quotient hereditarily indecomposable property if X/Y is hereditarily indecomposable for any infinite-codimensional subspace Y with a successive finite-dimensional decomposition on the basis of X. The following dichotomy theorem is proved: any infinite-dimensional Banach space contains a quotient of a subspace which either has an unconditional basis, or has the restricted quotient hereditarily indecomposable property.

A big symmetric planar set with small category projections

Krzysztof Ciesielski, Tomasz Natkaniec (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that under appropriate set-theoretic assumptions (which follow from Martin's axiom and the continuum hypothesis) there exists a nowhere meager set A ⊂ ℝ such that (i) the set {c ∈ ℝ: π[(f+c) ∩ (A×A)] is not meager} is meager for each continuous nowhere constant function f: ℝ → ℝ, (ii) the set {c ∈ ℝ: (f+c) ∩ (A×A) = ∅} is nowhere meager for each continuous function f: ℝ → ℝ. The existence of such a set also follows from the principle CPA, which...

A Cantor-Bernstein theorem for σ -complete MV-algebras

Anna de Simone, Daniele Mundici, Mirko Navara (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The Cantor-Bernstein theorem was extended to σ -complete boolean algebras by Sikorski and Tarski. Chang’s MV-algebras are a nontrivial generalization of boolean algebras: they stand to the infinite-valued calculus of Łukasiewicz as boolean algebras stand to the classical two-valued calculus. In this paper we further generalize the Cantor-Bernstein theorem to σ -complete MV-algebras, and compare it to a related result proved by Jakubík for certain complete MV-algebras.

A categorical view at generalized concept lattices

Stanislav Krajči (2007)


We continue in the direction of the ideas from the Zhang’s paper [Z] about a relationship between Chu spaces and Formal Concept Analysis. We modify this categorical point of view at a classical concept lattice to a generalized concept lattice (in the sense of Krajči [K1]): We define generalized Chu spaces and show that they together with (a special type of) their morphisms form a category. Moreover we define corresponding modifications of the image / inverse image operator and show their commutativity...

A Čech function in ZFC

Fred Galvin, Petr Simon (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A nontrivial surjective Čech closure function is constructed in ZFC.

A characterization for residuated implications on the set of all the closed intervals in J[0,1]. Application to the L-fuzzy concept theory.

Cristina Alcalde, Ana Burusco, Ramón Fuentes-González (2005)

Mathware and Soft Computing

In this paper, a new characterization for the interval-valued residuated fuzzy implication operators is presented, with which it is possible to use them in a simple and efficient way, since the calculation of the values of an intervalvalued implication applicated to two intervals is reduced to the study of a fuzzy implication applicated to the extremes of these intervals. This result is very important in order to extract knowledge from an L-fuzzy context with incomplete information. Finally, some...

A characterization of commutative basic algebras

Ivan Chajda (2009)

Mathematica Bohemica

A basic algebra is an algebra of the same type as an MV-algebra and it is in a one-to-one correspondence to a bounded lattice having antitone involutions on its principal filters. We present a simple criterion for checking whether a basic algebra is commutative or even an MV-algebra.

A characterization of Ext(G,ℤ) assuming (V = L)

Saharon Shelah, Lutz Strüngmann (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We complete the characterization of Ext(G,ℤ) for any torsion-free abelian group G assuming Gödel’s axiom of constructibility plus there is no weakly compact cardinal. In particular, we prove in (V = L) that, for a singular cardinal ν of uncountable cofinality which is less than the first weakly compact cardinal and for every sequence ( ν p : p Π ) of cardinals satisfying ν p 2 ν (where Π is the set of all primes), there is a torsion-free abelian group G of size ν such that ν p equals the p-rank of Ext(G,ℤ) for every...

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