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Hypersatisfaction of formulas in agebraic systems

Klaus Denecke, Dara Phusanga (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

In [2] the theory of hyperidentities and solid varieties was extended to algebraic systems and solid model classes of algebraic systems. The disadvantage of this approach is that it needs the concept of a formula system. In this paper we present a different approach which is based on the concept of a relational clone. The main result is a characterization of solid model classes of algebraic systems. The results will be applied to study the properties of the monoid of all hypersubstitutions of an...

Hypersequents and fuzzy logic.

Dov Gabbay, George Metcalfe, Nicola Olivetti (2004)


Fuzzy logics based on t-norms and their residua have been investigated extensively from a semantic perspective but a unifying proof theory for these logics has, until recently, been lacking. In this paper we survey results of the authors and others which show that a suitable proof-theoretic framework for fuzzy logics is provided by hypersequents, a natural generalization of Gentzen-style sequents. In particular we present hypersequent calculi for the logic of left-continuous t-norms MTL and related...

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