Displaying 61 – 80 of 2115

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A note on coclones of topological spaces

Artur Barkhudaryan (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The clone of a topological space is known to have a strictly more expressive first-order language than that of the monoid of continuous self-maps. The current paper studies coclones of topological spaces (i.e. clones in the category dual to that of topological spaces and continuous maps) and proves that, in contrast to clones, the first-order properties of coclones cannot express anything more than those of the monoid, except for the case of discrete and indiscrete spaces.

A note on cylindric lattices

Ivo Düntsch (1993)

Banach Center Publications

0. Introduction. Besides being of intrinsic interest, cylindric (semi-) lattices arise naturally from the study of dependencies in relational databases; the polynomials on a cylindric semilattice are closely related to the queries obtainable from project-join mappings on a relational database (cf. [D] for references). This note is intended to initiate the study of these structures, and only a few, rather basic results will be given. Some problems at the end will hopefully stimulate further research....

A note on normal varieties of monounary algebras

Ivan Chajda, Helmut Länger (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A variety is called normal if no laws of the form s = t are valid in it where s is a variable and t is not a variable. Let L denote the lattice of all varieties of monounary algebras ( A , f ) and let V be a non-trivial non-normal element of L . Then V is of the form M o d ( f n ( x ) = x ) with some n > 0 . It is shown that the smallest normal variety containing V is contained in H S C ( M o d ( f m n ( x ) = x ) ) for every m > 1 where C denotes the operator of forming choice algebras. Moreover, it is proved that the sublattice of L consisting of all normal elements of...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 2115