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( L , ϕ ) -representations of algebras

Andrzej Walendziak (1993)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we introduce the concept of an ( L , ϕ ) -representation of an algebra A which is a common generalization of subdirect, full subdirect and weak direct representation of A . Here we characterize such representations in terms of congruence relations.

𝒯 -semiring pairs

Jaiung Jun, Kalina Mincheva, Louis Rowen (2022)


We develop a general axiomatic theory of algebraic pairs, which simultaneously generalizes several algebraic structures, in order to bypass negation as much as feasible. We investigate several classical theorems and notions in this setting including fractions, integral extensions, and Hilbert's Nullstellensatz. Finally, we study a notion of growth in this context.

2-normalization of lattices

Ivan Chajda, W. Cheng, S. L. Wismath (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let τ be a type of algebras. A valuation of terms of type τ is a function v assigning to each term t of type τ a value v ( t ) 0 . For k 1 , an identity s t of type τ is said to be k -normal (with respect to valuation v ) if either s = t or both s and t have value k . Taking k = 1 with respect to the usual depth valuation of terms gives the well-known property of normality of identities. A variety is called k -normal (with respect to the valuation v ) if all its identities are k -normal. For any variety V , there is a least...

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