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Produit symétrisé

Jacques Lévy-Bruhl (1960/1961)

Séminaire Dubreil. Algèbre et théorie des nombres

Projection representable relations on Menger ( 2 , n ) -semigroups

Wiesław Aleksander Dudek, Valentin S. Trokhimenko (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Abstract characterizations of relations of nonempty intersection, inclusion end equality of domains for partial n -place functions are presented. Representations of Menger ( 2 , n ) -semigroups by partial n -place functions closed with respect to these relations are investigated.

Projections of relations

Jiří Karásek (1995)

Mathematica Bohemica

A projection of a relation is defined as a relation of reduced arity. The paper deals with projections of relations in coherence with their reflexivity, symmetry, completeness, regularity, cyclicity and other properties. Relationships between projections of hulls and hulls of projections are also studied.

Properties of relatively pseudocomplemented directoids

Ivan Chajda, Miroslav Kolařík, Filip Švrček (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

The concept of a relatively pseudocomplemented directoid was introduced recently by the first author. It was shown that the class of relatively pseudocomplemented directoids forms a variety whose axiom system contains seven identities. The aim of this paper is three-fold. First we show that these identities are not independent and their independent subset is presented. Second, we modify the adjointness property known for relatively pseudocomplemented semilattices in the way which is suitable for...

Pseudocomplements in sum-ordered partial semirings

Jānis Cīrulis (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

We study a particular way of introducing pseudocomplementation in ordered semigroups with zero, and characterise the class of those pseudocomplemented semigroups, termed g-semigroups here, that admit a Glivenko type theorem (the pseudocomplements form a Boolean algebra). Some further results are obtained for g-semirings - those sum-ordered partially additive semirings whose multiplicative part is a g-semigroup. In particular, we introduce the notion of a partial Stone semiring and show that several...

Pure filters and stable topology on BL-algebras

Esfandiar Eslami, Farhad Kh. Haghani (2009)


In this paper we introduce stable topology and F -topology on the set of all prime filters of a BL-algebra A and show that the set of all prime filters of A , namely Spec( A ) with the stable topology is a compact space but not T 0 . Then by means of stable topology, we define and study pure filters of a BL-algebra A and obtain a one to one correspondence between pure filters of A and closed subsets of Max( A ), the set of all maximal filters of A , as a subspace of Spec( A ). We also show that for any filter...

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