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Perfect mappings in topological groups, cross-complementary subsets and quotients

Aleksander V. Arhangel'skii (2003)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The following general question is considered. Suppose that G is a topological group, and F , M are subspaces of G such that G = M F . Under these general assumptions, how are the properties of F and M related to the properties of G ? For example, it is observed that if M is closed metrizable and F is compact, then G is a paracompact p -space. Furthermore, if M is closed and first countable, F is a first countable compactum, and F M = G , then G is also metrizable. Several other results of this kind are obtained....

Perfectly supportable semigroups are σ-discrete in each Hausdorff shift-invariant topology

Taras Banakh, Igor Guran (2013)

Topological Algebra and its Applications

In this paper we introduce perfectly supportable semigroups and prove that they are σ-discrete in each Hausdorff shiftinvariant topology. The class of perfectly supportable semigroups includes each semigroup S such that FSym(X) ⊂ S ⊂ FRel(X) where FRel(X) is the semigroup of finitely supported relations on an infinite set X and FSym(X) is the group of finitely supported permutations of X.

Productivity of the Zariski topology on groups

Dikran N. Dikranjan, D. Toller (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This paper investigates the productivity of the Zariski topology G of a group G . If 𝒢 = { G i i I } is a family of groups, and G = i I G i is their direct product, we prove that G i I G i . This inclusion can be proper in general, and we describe the doubletons 𝒢 = { G 1 , G 2 } of abelian groups, for which the converse inclusion holds as well, i.e., G = G 1 × G 2 . If e 2 G 2 is the identity element of a group G 2 , we also describe the class Δ of groups G 2 such that G 1 × { e 2 } is an elementary algebraic subset of G 1 × G 2 for every group G 1 . We show among others, that Δ is stable...

Pseudometrics on Ext-semigroups

Changguo Wei, Xiangmei Zhao, Shudong Liu (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper considers certain pseudometric structures on Ext-semigroups and gives a unified characterization of several topologies on Ext-semigroups. It is demonstrated that these Ext-semigroups are complete topological semigroups. To this end, it is proved that a metric induces a pseudometric on a quotient space with respect to an equivalence relation if it has certain invariance. We give some properties of this pseudometric space and prove that the topology induced by the pseudometric coincides...

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