Displaying 281 – 300 of 4562

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A note on propagation of singularities of semiconcave functions of two variables

Luděk Zajíček (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

P. Albano and P. Cannarsa proved in 1999 that, under some applicable conditions, singularities of semiconcave functions in n propagate along Lipschitz arcs. Further regularity properties of these arcs were proved by P. Cannarsa and Y. Yu in 2009. We prove that, for n = 2 , these arcs are very regular: they can be found in the form (in a suitable Cartesian coordinate system) ψ ( x ) = ( x , y 1 ( x ) - y 2 ( x ) ) , x [ 0 , α ] , where y 1 , y 2 are convex and Lipschitz on [ 0 , α ] . In other words: singularities propagate along arcs with finite turn.

A note on quasiconvex functions that are pseudoconvex.

Giorgio Giorgi (1987)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

In the present note we consider the definitions and properties of locally pseudo- and quasiconvex functions and give a sufficient condition for a locally quasiconvex function at a point x ∈ Rn, to be also locally pseudoconvex at the same point.

A note on signs of Kloosterman sums

Kaisa Matomäki (2011)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We prove that the sign of Kloosterman sums Kl ( 1 , 1 ; n ) changes infinitely often as n runs through the square-free numbers with at most 15 prime factors. This improves on a previous result by Sivak-Fischler who obtained 18 instead of 15. Our improvement comes from introducing an elementary inequality which gives lower and upper bounds for the dot product of two sequences whose individual distributions are known.

A note on some expansions of p-adic functions

Grzegorz Szkibiel (1992)

Acta Arithmetica

Introduction. Recently J. Rutkowski (see [3]) has defined the p-adic analogue of the Walsh system, which we shall denote by ( ϕ ) m . The system ( ϕ ) m is defined in the space C(ℤₚ,ℂₚ) of ℂₚ-valued continuous functions on ℤₚ. J. Rutkowski has also considered some questions concerning expansions of functions from C(ℤₚ,ℂₚ) with respect to ( ϕ ) m . This paper is a remark to Rutkowski’s paper. We define another system ( h ) n in C(ℤₚ,ℂₚ), investigate its properties and compare it to the system defined by Rutkowski. The system...

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 4562