Displaying 301 – 320 of 733

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A Note on the Men'shov-Rademacher Inequality

Witold Bednorz (2006)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We improve the constants in the Men’shov-Rademacher inequality by showing that for n ≥ 64, E ( s u p 1 k n | i = 1 k X i | ² 0 . 11 ( 6 . 20 + l o g n ) ² for all orthogonal random variables X₁,..., Xₙ such that k = 1 n E | X k | ² = 1 .

A note on the Poincaré inequality

Alireza Ranjbar-Motlagh (2003)

Studia Mathematica

The Poincaré inequality is extended to uniformly doubling metric-measure spaces which satisfy a version of the triangle comparison property. The proof is based on a generalization of the change of variables formula.

A note on the scalar Haffian.

Heinz Neudecker (2000)


In this note a uniform transparent presentation of the scalar Haffian will be given. Some well-known results will be generalized. A link will be established between the scalar Haffian and the derivative matrix as developed by Magnus and Neudecker.

A note on the three-segment problem

Martin Doležal (2009)

Mathematica Bohemica

We improve a theorem of C. L. Belna (1972) which concerns boundary behaviour of complex-valued functions in the open upper half-plane and gives a partial answer to the (still open) three-segment problem.

A numerical radius inequality and an estimate for the numerical radius of the Frobenius companion matrix

Fuad Kittaneh (2003)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that if A is a bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space, then w ( A ) 1 / 2 ( | | A | | + | | A ² | | 1 / 2 ) , where w(A) and ||A|| are the numerical radius and the usual operator norm of A, respectively. An application of this inequality is given to obtain a new estimate for the numerical radius of the Frobenius companion matrix. Bounds for the zeros of polynomials are also given.

A one-sided version of Alexiewicz-Orlicz's differentiability theorem.

E. Corbacho, A. Plichko, V. Tarieladze (2005)


Modificando adecuadamente el método de un trabajo olvidado [1], probamos que si una aplicación continua, de un subconjunto abierto no vacío U de un espacio vectorial topológico metrizable separable y de Baire E, en un espacio localmente convexo, es direccionalmente diferenciable por la derecha en U según un subconjunto comagro de E, entonces, es genéricamente Gâteaux diferenciable en U. Nuestro resultado implica que cualquier espacio vectorial topológico, metrizable, separable y de Baire, es débilmente...

A p-adic behaviour of dynamical systems.

Stany De Smedt, Andrew Khrennikov (1999)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We study dynamical systems in the non-Archimedean number fields (i.e. fields with non-Archimedean valuation). The main results are obtained for the fields of p-adic numbers and complex p-adic numbers. Already the simplest p-adic dynamical systems have a very rich structure. There exist attractors, Siegel disks and cycles. There also appear new structures such as fuzzy cycles. A prime number p plays the role of parameter of a dynamical system. The behavior of the iterations depends on this parameter...

A pointwise estimate for the solution to a linear Volterra integral equation

Angelo Morro (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Utilizzando una generalizzazione della disuguaglianza di Gronwall si fornisce una stima puntuale per la soluzione dell’equazione lineare integrale di Volterra di seconda specie. Tale stima può essere applicata utilmente anche nello studio della stabilità di equazioni di evoluzione per mezzi continui.

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 733