Displaying 3681 – 3700 of 4562

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Some Properties of Mittag-Leffler Functions and Matrix-Variate Analogues: A Statistical Perspective

Mathai, A. (2010)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematical Subject Classification 2010:26A33, 33E99, 15A52, 62E15.Mittag-Leffler functions and their generalizations appear in a large variety of problems in different areas. When we move from total differential equations to fractional equations Mittag-Leffler functions come in naturally. Fractional reaction-diffusion problems in physical sciences and general input-output models in other disciplines are some of the examples in this direction. Some basic properties of Mittag-Leffler functions are...

Some quadratic integral inequalities of Opial type

Małgorzata Kuchta (1996)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We derive and investigate integral inequalities of Opial type: I s | h h ̇ | d t I r h ̇ ² d t , where h ∈ H, I = (α,β) is any interval on the real line, H is a class of absolutely continuous functions h satisfying h(α) = 0 or h(β) = 0. Our method is a generalization of the method of [3]-[5]. Given the function r we determine the class of functions s for which quadratic integral inequalities of Opial type hold. Such classes have hitherto been described as the classes of solutions of a certain differential equation. In this paper...

Some remarks on descriptive characterizations of the strong McShane integral

Sokol Bush Kaliaj (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica

We present the full descriptive characterizations of the strong McShane integral (or the variational McShane integral) of a Banach space valued function f : W X defined on a non-degenerate closed subinterval W of m in terms of strong absolute continuity or, equivalently, in terms of McShane variational measure V F generated by the primitive F : W X of f , where W is the family of all closed non-degenerate subintervals of W .

Some Remarks on Indicatrices of Measurable Functions

Marcin Kysiak (2005)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We show that for a wide class of σ-algebras 𝓐, indicatrices of 𝓐-measurable functions admit the same characterization as indicatrices of Lebesgue-measurable functions. In particular, this applies to functions measurable in the sense of Marczewski.

Currently displaying 3681 – 3700 of 4562