Displaying 61 – 80 of 881

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On a generalisation of the Hahn-Jordan decomposition for real càdlàg functions

Rafał M. Łochowski (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For a real càdlàg function f and a positive constant c we find another càdlàg function which has the smallest total variation among all functions uniformly approximating f with accuracy c/2. The solution is expressed in terms of truncated variation, upward truncated variation and downward truncated variation introduced in earlier work of the author. They are always finite even if the total variation of f is infinite, and they may be viewed as a generalisation of the Hahn-Jordan decomposition for...

On a generalization of Henstock-Kurzweil integrals

Jan Malý, Kristýna Kuncová (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica

We study a scale of integrals on the real line motivated by the M C α integral by Ball and Preiss and some recent multidimensional constructions of integral. These integrals are non-absolutely convergent and contain the Henstock-Kurzweil integral. Most of the results are of comparison nature. Further, we show that our indefinite integrals are a.e. approximately differentiable. An example of approximate discontinuity of an indefinite integral is also presented.

On a generalized Dhombres functional equation. II.

P. Kahlig, Jaroslav Smítal (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider the functional equation f ( x f ( x ) ) = ϕ ( f ( x ) ) where ϕ J J is a given increasing homeomorphism of an open interval J ( 0 , ) and f ( 0 , ) J is an unknown continuous function. In a previous paper we proved that no continuous solution can cross the line y = p where p is a fixed point of ϕ , with a possible exception for p = 1 . The range of any non-constant continuous solution is an interval whose end-points are fixed by ϕ and which contains in its interior no fixed point except for 1 . We also gave a characterization of the class of continuous...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 881