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Displaying 121 – 140 of 145

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Stretching the Oxtoby-Ulam Theorem

Ethan Akin (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

On a manifold X of dimension at least two, let μ be a nonatomic measure of full support with μ(∂X) = 0. The Oxtoby-Ulam Theorem says that ergodicity of μ is a residual property in the group of homeomorphisms which preserve μ. Daalderop and Fokkink have recently shown that density of periodic points is residual as well. We provide a proof of their result which replaces the dependence upon the Annulus Theorem by a direct construction which assures topologically robust periodic points.

Strongly mixing sequences of measure preserving transformations

Ehrhard Behrends, Jörg Schmeling (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We call a sequence ( T n ) of measure preserving transformations strongly mixing if P ( T n - 1 A B ) tends to P ( A ) P ( B ) for arbitrary measurable A , B . We investigate whether one can pass to a suitable subsequence ( T n k ) such that 1 K k = 1 K f ( T n k ) f d P almost surely for all (or “many”) integrable f .

Structure of three interval exchange transformations I: an arithmetic study

Sébastien Ferenczi, Charles Holton, Luca Q. Zamboni (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we describe a 2 -dimensional generalization of the Euclidean algorithm which stems from the dynamics of 3 -interval exchange transformations. We investigate various diophantine properties of the algorithm including the quality of simultaneous approximations. We show it verifies the following Lagrange type theorem: the algorithm is eventually periodic if and only if the parameters lie in the same quadratic extension of .

Substitution dynamical systems on infinite alphabets

Sébastien Ferenczi (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We give a few examples of substitutions on infinite alphabets, and the beginning of a general theory of the associated dynamical systems. In particular, the “drunken man” substitution can be associated to an ergodic infinite measure preserving system, of Krengel entropy zero, while substitutions of constant length with a positive recurrent infinite matrix correspond to ergodic finite measure preserving systems.

Sur l'absence de mélange pour des flots spéciaux au-dessus d'une rotation irrationnelle

M. Lemańczyk (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove the absence of mixing for special flows built over (1) an irrational rotation and under a function whose Fourier coefficients are of order O(1/|n|), and (2) an irrational rotation (satisfying a diophantine condition) and under a function having a finite number of singularities of a logarithmic type. These results generalize two theorems of Kochergin.

Sur les processus quasi-Markoviens et certains de leurs facteurs

Thierry de la Rue (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study a class of stationary finite state processes, called quasi-Markovian, including in particular the processes whose law is a Gibbs measure as defined by Bowen. We show that, if a factor with integrable coding time of a quasi-Markovian process is maximal in entropy, then this factor splits off, which means that it admits a Bernoulli shift as an independent complement. If it is not maximal in entropy, then we can find a splitting finite extension of this factor, which generalizes a theorem...

Tail fields generated by symbol counts in measure-preserving systems

Karl Petersen, Jean-Paul Thouvenot (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A finite-state stationary process is called (one- or two-sided) super-K if its (one- or two-sided) super-tail field-generated by keeping track of (initial or central) symbol counts as well as of arbitrarily remote names-is trivial. We prove that for every process (α,T) which has a direct Bernoulli factor there is a generating partition β whose one-sided super-tail equals the usual one-sided tail of β. Consequently, every K-process with a direct Bernoulli factor has a one-sided super-K generator....

The generic isometry and measure preserving homeomorphism are conjugate to their powers

Christian Rosendal (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is known that there is a comeagre set of mutually conjugate measure preserving homeomorphisms of Cantor space equipped with the coinflipping probability measure, i.e., Haar measure. We show that the generic measure preserving homeomorphism is moreover conjugate to all of its powers. It follows that the generic measure preserving homeomorphism extends to an action of (ℚ, +) by measure preserving homeomorphisms, and, in fact, to an action of the locally compact ring 𝔄 of finite adèles. ...

The generic transformation has roots of all orders

Jonathan King (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In the sense of the Baire Category Theorem we show that the generic transformation T has roots of all orders (RAO theorem). The argument appears novel in that it proceeds by establishing that the set of such T is not meager - and then appeals to a Zero-One Law (Lemma 2). On the group Ω of (invertible measure-preserving) transformations, §D shows that the squaring map p: S → S^{2} is topologically complex in that both the locally-dense and locally-lacunary points of p are dense (Theorem 23). The...

The M/M/1 queue is Bernoulli

Michael Keane, Neil O'Connell (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The classical output theorem for the M/M/1 queue, due to Burke (1956), states that the departure process from a stationary M/M/1 queue, in equilibrium, has the same law as the arrivals process, that is, it is a Poisson process. We show that the associated measure-preserving transformation is metrically isomorphic to a two-sided Bernoulli shift. We also discuss some extensions of Burke's theorem where it remains an open problem to determine if, or under what conditions, the analogue of this result...

The one-sided ergodic Hilbert transform in Banach spaces

Guy Cohen, Christophe Cuny, Michael Lin (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Let T be a power-bounded operator on a (real or complex) Banach space. We study the convergence of the one-sided ergodic Hilbert transform l i m n k = 1 n ( T k x ) / k . We prove that weak and strong convergence are equivalent, and in a reflexive space also s u p n | | k = 1 n ( T k x ) / k | | < is equivalent to the convergence. We also show that - k = 1 ( T k ) / k (which converges on (I-T)X) is precisely the infinitesimal generator of the semigroup ( I - T ) | ( I - T ) X ¯ r .

The size of the chain recurrent set for generic maps on an n-dimensional locally (n-1)-connected compact space

Katsuya Yokoi (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For n ≥ 1, given an n-dimensional locally (n-1)-connected compact space X and a finite Borel measure μ without atoms at isolated points, we prove that for a generic (in the uniform metric) continuous map f:X → X, the set of points which are chain recurrent under f has μ-measure zero. The same is true for n = 0 (skipping the local connectedness assumption).

Tower multiplexing and slow weak mixing

Terrence Adams (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A technique is presented for multiplexing two ergodic measure preserving transformations together to derive a third limiting transformation. This technique is used to settle a question regarding rigidity sequences of weak mixing transformations. Namely, given any rigidity sequence for an ergodic measure preserving transformation, there exists a weak mixing transformation which is rigid along the same sequence. This establishes a wide range of rigidity sequences for weakly mixing dynamical systems....

Unique Bernoulli g -measures

Anders Johansson, Anders Öberg, Mark Pollicott (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We improve and subsume the conditions of Johansson and Öberg and Berbee for uniqueness of a g -measure, i.e., a stationary distribution for chains with complete connections. In addition, we prove that these unique g -measures have Bernoulli natural extensions. We also conclude that we have convergence in the Wasserstein metric of the iterates of the adjoint transfer operator to the g -measure.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 145