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Results on the deficiencies of some differential-difference polynomials of meromorphic functions

Xiu-Min Zheng, Hong-Yan Xu (2016)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we study the relation between the deficiencies concerning a meromorphic function f(z), its derivative f′(z) and differential-difference monomials f(z)mf(z+c)f′(z), f(z+c)nf′(z), f(z)mf(z+c). The main results of this paper are listed as follows: Let f(z) be a meromorphic function of finite order satisfying lim sup r→+∞ T(r, f) T(r,  f ′ ) <+∞, lim sup r + T ( r , f ) T ( r , f ' ) < + , and c be a non-zero complex constant, then δ(∞, f(z)m f(z+c)f′(z))≥δ(∞, f′) and δ(∞,f(z+c)nf′(z))≥ δ(∞, f′). We also investigate the value...

Ruelle operator with nonexpansive IFS

Ka-Sing Lau, Yuan-Ling Ye (2001)

Studia Mathematica

The Ruelle operator and the associated Perron-Frobenius property have been extensively studied in dynamical systems. Recently the theory has been adapted to iterated function systems (IFS) ( X , w j j = 1 m , p j j = 1 m ) , where the w j ’s are contractive self-maps on a compact subset X d and the p j ’s are positive Dini functions on X [FL]. In this paper we consider Ruelle operators defined by weakly contractive IFS and nonexpansive IFS. It is known that in such cases, positive bounded eigenfunctions may not exist in general. Our theorems...

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