Displaying 301 – 320 of 388

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On the size of approximately convex sets in normed spaces

S. Dilworth, Ralph Howard, James Roberts (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a normed space. A set A ⊆ X is approximately convexif d(ta+(1-t)b,A)≤1 for all a,b ∈ A and t ∈ [0,1]. We prove that every n-dimensional normed space contains approximately convex sets A with ( A , C o ( A ) ) l o g 2 n - 1 and d i a m ( A ) C n ( l n n ) 2 , where ℋ denotes the Hausdorff distance. These estimates are reasonably sharp. For every D>0, we construct worst possible approximately convex sets in C[0,1] such that ℋ(A,Co(A))=(A)=D. Several results pertaining to the Hyers-Ulam stability theorem are also proved.

On the uniform convergence and L¹-convergence of double Walsh-Fourier series

Ferenc Móricz (1992)

Studia Mathematica

In 1970 C. W. Onneweer formulated a sufficient condition for a periodic W-continuous function to have a Walsh-Fourier series which converges uniformly to the function. In this paper we extend his results from single to double Walsh-Fourier series in a more general setting. We study the convergence of rectangular partial sums in L p -norm for some 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ over the unit square [0,1) × [0,1). In case p = ∞, by L p we mean C W , the collection of uniformly W-continuous functions f(x, y), endowed with the...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 388