Displaying 201 – 220 of 461

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A strengthening of a theorem of Marcinkiewicz

Konstantin E. Tikhomirov (2011)

Banach Center Publications

We consider a problem of intervals raised by I. Ya. Novikov in [Israel Math. Conf. Proc. 5 (1992), 290], which refines the well-known theorem of J. Marcinkiewicz concerning structure of closed sets [A. Zygmund, Trigonometric Series, Vol. I, Ch. IV, Theorem 2.1]. A positive solution to the problem for some specific cases is obtained. As a result, we strengthen the theorem of Marcinkiewicz for generalized Cantor sets.

A strong convergence theorem for H¹(𝕋ⁿ)

Feng Dai (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let ⁿ denote the usual n-torus and let S ̃ u δ ( f ) , u > 0, denote the Bochner-Riesz means of order δ > 0 of the Fourier expansion of f ∈ L¹(ⁿ). The main result of this paper states that for f ∈ H¹(ⁿ) and the critical index α: = (n-1)/2, l i m R 1 / l o g R 0 R ( | | S ̃ u α ( f ) - f | | H ¹ ( ) ) / ( u + 1 ) d u = 0 .

A subelliptic Bourgain–Brezis inequality

Yi Wang, Po-Lam Yung (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove an approximation lemma on (stratified) homogeneous groups that allows one to approximate a function in the non-isotropic Sobolev space N L ˙ 1 , Q by L functions, generalizing a result of Bourgain–Brezis. We then use this to obtain a Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequality for on the Heisenberg group n .

A sufficient condition for the boundedness of operator-weighted martingale transforms and Hilbert transform

Sandra Pot (2007)

Studia Mathematica

Let W be an operator weight taking values almost everywhere in the bounded positive invertible linear operators on a separable Hilbert space . We show that if W and its inverse W - 1 both satisfy a matrix reverse Hölder property introduced by Christ and Goldberg, then the weighted Hilbert transform H : L ² W ( , ) L ² W ( , ) and also all weighted dyadic martingale transforms T σ : L ² W ( , ) L ² W ( , ) are bounded. We also show that this condition is not necessary for the boundedness of the weighted Hilbert transform.

A survey on wavelet methods for (geo) applications.

Willi Freeden, Thorsten Maier, Steffen Zimmermann (2003)

Revista Matemática Complutense

Wavelets originated in 1980's for the analysis of (seismic) signals and have seen an explosion of applications. However, almost all the material is based on wavelets over Euclidean spaces. This paper deals with an approach to the theory and algorithmic aspects of wavelets in a general separable Hilbert space framework. As examples Legendre wavelets on the interval [-1,+1] and scalar and vector spherical wavelets on the unit sphere 'Omega' are discussed in more detail.

A Tauberian theorem for distributions

Jiří Čížek, Jiří Jelínek (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The well-known general Tauberian theorem of N. Wiener is formulated and proved for distributions in the place of functions and its Ganelius' formulation is corrected. Some changes of assumptions of this theorem are discussed, too.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 461