Characterization of generators for multiresolution analyses with composite dilations.
We characterize the low pass filters associated with scaling functions of a multiresolution analysis in a general context, where instead of the dyadic dilation one considers the dilation given by a fixed linear invertible map A: ℝⁿ → ℝⁿ such that A(ℤⁿ) ⊂ ℤⁿ and all (complex) eigenvalues of A have modulus greater than 1. This characterization involves the notion of filter multiplier of such a multiresolution analysis. Moreover, the paper contains a characterization of the measurable functions which...
Extending previous work by Meise and Vogt, we characterize those convolution operators, defined on the space of (ω)-quasianalytic functions of Beurling type of one variable, which admit a continuous linear right inverse. Also, we characterize those (ω)-ultradifferential operators which admit a continuous linear right inverse on for each compact interval [a,b] and we show that this property is in fact weaker than the existence of a continuous linear right inverse on .
We introduce the new class of Besicovitch-Musielak-Orlicz almost periodic functions and consider its strict convexity with respect to the Luxemburg norm.
We study the mapping property of the commutator of Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. Also, some new characterizations of the Lipschitz spaces are given.
We give characterizations of orthogonal families, tight frames and orthonormal bases of Gabor systems. The conditions we propose are stated in terms of equations for the Fourier transforms of the Gabor system's generating functions.
Pisier's characterization of Sidon sets as containing proportional-sized quasi-independent subsets is given a sharper form for groups with only a finite number of elements having orders a power of 2. No such improvement is possible for a general Sidon subset of a group having an infinite number of elements of order 2. The method used also gives several sharper forms of Ramsey's characterization of Sidon sets as containing proportional-sized I₀-subsets in a uniform way, again in groups containing...
We characterize those anisotropic Sobolev spaces on tori in the and uniform norms for which the idempotent multipliers have a description in terms of the coset ring of the dual group. These results are deduced from more general theorems concerning invariant projections on vector-valued function spaces on tori. This paper is a continuation of the author’s earlier paper [W].