Displaying 241 – 260 of 329

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On the reduction of pairs of bounded closed convex sets

J. Grzybowski, D. Pallaschke, R. Urbański (2008)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a Hausdorff topological vector space. For nonempty bounded closed convex sets A,B,C,D ⊂ X we denote by A ∔ B the closure of the algebraic sum A + B, and call the pairs (A,B) and (C,D) equivalent if A ∔ D = B ∔ C. We prove two main theorems on reduction of equivalent pairs. The first theorem implies that, in a finite-dimensional space, a pair of nonempty compact convex sets with a piecewise smooth boundary and parallel tangent spaces at some boundary points is not minimal. The second theorem...

On the refinements of a polyhedral subdivision.

Francisco Santos (2001)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let pi: P --> Q be an affine projection map between two polytopes P and Q. Billera and Sturmfels introduced in 1992 the concept of polyhedral subdivisions of Q induced by pi (or pi-induced) and the fiber polytope of the projection: a polytope Sygma(P,pi) of dimension dim(P)-dim(Q) whose faces are in correspondence with the coherent pi-induced subdivisions (or pi-coherent subdivisions). In this paper we investigate the structure of the poset of pi-induced refinements of a pi-induced subdivision....

On the Rockafellar theorem for Φ γ ( · , · ) -monotone multifunctions

S. Rolewicz (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be an arbitrary set, and γ: X × X → ℝ any function. Let Φ be a family of real-valued functions defined on X. Let Γ : X 2 Φ be a cyclic Φ γ ( · , · ) -monotone multifunction with non-empty values. It is shown that the following generalization of the Rockafellar theorem holds. There is a function f: X → ℝ such that Γ is contained in the Φ γ ( · , · ) -subdifferential of f, Γ ( x ) Φ γ ( · , · ) f | x .

On the separation of parametric convex polyhedral sets with application in MOLP

Milan Hladík (2010)

Applications of Mathematics

We investigate diverse separation properties of two convex polyhedral sets for the case when there are parameters in one row of the constraint matrix. In particular, we deal with the existence, description and stability properties of the separating hyperplanes of such convex polyhedral sets. We present several examples carried out on PC. We are also interested in supporting separation (separating hyperplanes support both the convex polyhedral sets at given faces) and permanent separation (a hyperplane...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 329