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L -fuzzy ideal degrees in effect algebras

Xiaowei Wei, Fu Gui Shi (2022)


In this paper, considering L being a completely distributive lattice, we first introduce the concept of L -fuzzy ideal degrees in an effect algebra E , in symbol 𝔇 e i . Further, we characterize L -fuzzy ideal degrees by cut sets. Then it is shown that an L -fuzzy subset A in E is an L -fuzzy ideal if and only if 𝔇 e i ( A ) = , which can be seen as a generalization of fuzzy ideals. Later, we discuss the relations between L -fuzzy ideals and cut sets ( L β -nested sets and L α -nested sets). Finally, we obtain that the L -fuzzy...

La conjecture des soufflets

Jean-Marc Schlenker (2002/2003)

Séminaire Bourbaki

On sait depuis les travaux de Bricard et de Connelly qu’il existe dans l’espace euclidien des polyèdres (non convexes) qui sont flexibles : on peut les déformer continûment sans changer la forme de leurs faces. La conjecture des soufflets affirme que le volume interieur de ces polyèdres est constant au cours de la déformation. Elle a été démontrée récemment par I. Sabitov, qui a pour cela utilisé des outils algébriques inattendus dans ce contexte.

Labeled shortest paths in digraphs with negative and positive edge weights

Phillip G. Bradford, David A. Thomas (2009)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

This paper gives a shortest path algorithm for CFG (context free grammar) labeled and weighted digraphs where edge weights may be positive or negative, but negative-weight cycles are not allowed in the underlying unlabeled graph. These results build directly on an algorithm of Barrett et al. [SIAM J. Comput.30 (2000) 809–837]. In addition to many other results, they gave a shortest path algorithm for CFG labeled and weighted digraphs where all edges are nonnegative. Our algorithm is based closely...

Layered circle packings.

Dennis, David, Williams, G. Brock (2005)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

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