Displaying 61 – 80 of 96

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On exposed points and extremal points of convex sets in ℝⁿ and Hilbert space

Stoyu Barov, Jan J. Dijkstra (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let be a Euclidean space or the Hilbert space ℓ², let k ∈ ℕ with k < dim , and let B be convex and closed in . Let be a collection of linear k-subspaces of . A set C ⊂ is called a -imitation of B if B and C have identical orthogonal projections along every P ∈ . An extremal point of B with respect to the projections under is a point that all closed subsets of B that are -imitations of B have in common. A point x of B is called exposed by if there is a P ∈ such that (x+P) ∩ B = x. In the present...

On reduced pairs of bounded closed convex sets.

Jerzy Grzybowski, Ryszard Urbanski (2003)

Revista Matemática Complutense

In this paper certain criteria for reduced pairs of bounded closed convex set are presented. Some examples of reduced and not reduced pairs are enclosed.

On the reduction of pairs of bounded closed convex sets

J. Grzybowski, D. Pallaschke, R. Urbański (2008)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a Hausdorff topological vector space. For nonempty bounded closed convex sets A,B,C,D ⊂ X we denote by A ∔ B the closure of the algebraic sum A + B, and call the pairs (A,B) and (C,D) equivalent if A ∔ D = B ∔ C. We prove two main theorems on reduction of equivalent pairs. The first theorem implies that, in a finite-dimensional space, a pair of nonempty compact convex sets with a piecewise smooth boundary and parallel tangent spaces at some boundary points is not minimal. The second theorem...

On the size of approximately convex sets in normed spaces

S. Dilworth, Ralph Howard, James Roberts (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a normed space. A set A ⊆ X is approximately convexif d(ta+(1-t)b,A)≤1 for all a,b ∈ A and t ∈ [0,1]. We prove that every n-dimensional normed space contains approximately convex sets A with ( A , C o ( A ) ) l o g 2 n - 1 and d i a m ( A ) C n ( l n n ) 2 , where ℋ denotes the Hausdorff distance. These estimates are reasonably sharp. For every D>0, we construct worst possible approximately convex sets in C[0,1] such that ℋ(A,Co(A))=(A)=D. Several results pertaining to the Hyers-Ulam stability theorem are also proved.

Pairs of sets with convex union.

Ryszard Urbanski (1997)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this paper the notion of convex pairs of convex bounded subsets of a Hausdorff topological vector space is introduced. Criteria of convexity pair are proved.

Rotundity and smoothness of convex bodies in reflexive and nonreflexive spaces

Victor Klee, Libor Veselý, Clemente Zanco (1996)

Studia Mathematica

For combining two convex bodies C and D to produce a third body, two of the most important ways are the operation ∓ of forming the closure of the vector sum C+D and the operation γ̅ of forming the closure of the convex hull of C ⋃ D. When the containing normed linear space X is reflexive, it follows from weak compactness that the vector sum and the convex hull are already closed, and from this it follows that the class of all rotund bodies in X is stable with respect to the operation ∓ and the class...

Sets invariant under projections onto one dimensional subspaces

Simon Fitzpatrick, Bruce Calvert (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The Hahn–Banach theorem implies that if m is a one dimensional subspace of a t.v.s. E , and B is a circled convex body in E , there is a continuous linear projection P onto m with P ( B ) B . We determine the sets B which have the property of being invariant under projections onto lines through 0 subject to a weak boundedness type requirement.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 96