Displaying 61 – 80 of 4973

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A comparison of evidential networks and compositional models

Jiřina Vejnarová (2014)


Several counterparts of Bayesian networks based on different paradigms have been proposed in evidence theory. Nevertheless, none of them is completely satisfactory. In this paper we will present a new one, based on a recently introduced concept of conditional independence. We define a conditioning rule for variables, and the relationship between conditional independence and irrelevance is studied with the aim of constructing a Bayesian-network-like model. Then, through a simple example, we will...

A comparison of Jacobian-based methods of inverse kinematics for serial robot manipulators

Ignacy Dulęba, Michał Opałka (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The objective of this paper is to present and make a comparative study of several inverse kinematics methods for serial manipulators, based on the Jacobian matrix. Besides the well-known Jacobian transpose and Jacobian pseudo-inverse methods, three others, borrowed from numerical analysis, are presented. Among them, two approximation methods avoid the explicit manipulability matrix inversion, while the third one is a slightly modified version of the Levenberg-Marquardt method (mLM). Their comparison...

A complete characterization of primitive recursive intensional behaviours

P. Valarcher (2008)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We give a complete characterization of the class of functions that are the intensional behaviours of primitive recursive (PR) algorithms. This class is the set of primitive recursive functions that have a null basic case of recursion. This result is obtained using the property of ultimate unarity and a geometrical approach of sequential functions on N the set of positive integers.

A Compositional Approach to Synchronize Two Dimensional Networks of Processors

Salvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Mimmo Parente (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The problem of synchronizing a network of identical processors that work synchronously at discrete steps is studied. Processors are arranged as an array of m rows and n columns and can exchange each other only one bit of information. We give algorithms which synchronize square arrays of (n × n) processors and give some general constructions to synchronize arrays of (m × n) processors. Algorithms are given to synchronize in time n2, n log n , n n and 2n a square array of (n × n) processors. Our approach...

A computation of positive one-peak posets that are Tits-sincere

Marcin Gąsiorek, Daniel Simson (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A complete list of positive Tits-sincere one-peak posets is provided by applying combinatorial algorithms and computer calculations using Maple and Python. The problem whether any square integer matrix A ( ) is ℤ-congruent to its transpose A t r is also discussed. An affirmative answer is given for the incidence matrices C I and the Tits matrices C ̂ I of positive one-peak posets I.

A Computational Framework to Assess the Efficacy of Cytotoxic Molecules and Vascular Disrupting Agents against Solid Tumours

M. Pons-Salort, B. van der Sanden, A. Juhem, A. Popov, A. Stéphanou (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

A computational framework for testing the effects of cytotoxic molecules, specific to a given phase of the cell cycle, and vascular disrupting agents (VDAs) is presented. The model is based on a cellular automaton to describe tumour cell states transitions from proliferation to death. It is coupled with a model describing the tumour vasculature and its adaptation to the blood rheological constraints when alterations are induced by VDAs treatment....

A Computer Algebra Application to Determination of Lie Symmetries of Partial Differential Equations

Pulov, Vladimir, Chacarov, Edy, Uzunov, Ivan (2007)

Serdica Journal of Computing

The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006A MATHEMATICA package for finding Lie symmetries of partial differential equations is presented. The package is designed to create and solve the associated determining system of equations, the full set of solutions of which generates the widest permissible local Lie group of point symmetry transformations. Examples illustrating the functionality of the package's tools...

A conjecture on the concatenation product

Jean-Eric Pin, Pascal Weil (2001)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

In a previous paper, the authors studied the polynomial closure of a variety of languages and gave an algebraic counterpart, in terms of Mal’cev products, of this operation. They also formulated a conjecture about the algebraic counterpart of the boolean closure of the polynomial closure – this operation corresponds to passing to the upper level in any concatenation hierarchy. Although this conjecture is probably true in some particular cases, we give a counterexample in the general case. Another...

A conjecture on the concatenation product

Jean-Eric Pin, Pascal Weil (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

In a previous paper, the authors studied the polynomial closure of a variety of languages and gave an algebraic counterpart, in terms of Mal'cev products, of this operation. They also formulated a conjecture about the algebraic counterpart of the boolean closure of the polynomial closure – this operation corresponds to passing to the upper level in any concatenation hierarchy. Although this conjecture is probably true in some particular cases, we give a counterexample in the general case....

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 4973