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Fixed points of endomorphisms of certain free products

Pedro V. Silva (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The fixed point submonoid of an endomorphism of a free product of a free monoid and cyclic groups is proved to be rational using automata-theoretic techniques. Maslakova’s result on the computability of the fixed point subgroup of a free group automorphism is generalized to endomorphisms of free products of a free monoid and a free group which are automorphisms of the maximal subgroup.

Fixpoint alternation: arithmetic, transition systems, and the binary tree

J. C. Bradfield (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We provide an elementary proof of the fixpoint alternation hierarchy in arithmetic, which in turn allows us to simplify the proof of the modal mu-calculus alternation hierarchy. We further show that the alternation hierarchy on the binary tree is strict, resolving a problem of Niwiński.

Fixpoints, games and the difference hierarchy

Julian C. Bradfield (2003)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Drawing on an analogy with temporal fixpoint logic, we relate the arithmetic fixpoint definable sets to the winning positions of certain games, namely games whose winning conditions lie in the difference hierarchy over Σ 2 0 . This both provides a simple characterization of the fixpoint hierarchy, and refines existing results on the power of the game quantifier in descriptive set theory. We raise the problem of transfinite fixpoint hierarchies.

Fixpoints, games and the difference hierarchy

Julian C. Bradfield (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Drawing on an analogy with temporal fixpoint logic, we relate the arithmetic fixpoint definable sets to the winning positions of certain games, namely games whose winning conditions lie in the difference hierarchy over Σ 2 0 . This both provides a simple characterization of the fixpoint hierarchy, and refines existing results on the power of the game quantifier in descriptive set theory. We raise the problem of transfinite fixpoint hierarchies.

Flexible information retrieval: some research trends.

Gabriella Pasi (2002)

Mathware and Soft Computing

In this paper some research trends in the field of Information Retrieval are presented. The focus is on the definition of flexible systems, i.e. systems that can represent and manage the vagueness and uncertainty which is characteristic of the process of information searching and retrieval. In this paper the application of soft computing techniques is considered, in particular fuzzy set theory.

Flexible representation and querying of heterogeneous structured documents

Gloria Bordogna, Gabriella Pasi (2000)


In this paper we present a fuzzy model for representing documents having a hierarchical structure and possibly containing multimedia information. We consider an archive containing documents with distinct (heterogeneous) logical structures. We also propose a flexible query language for expressing soft selection conditions on the structured documents. The documents’ content is organized into thematic (topical) sections where the index terms play a distinct role. The proposed document representation...

Fonction ζ de Carlitz et automates

Valérie Berthé (1993)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Carlitz a défini sur 𝔽 q une fonction ζ et une série formelle I I , analogues respectivement à la fonction ζ de Riemann et au réel π . Yu a montré, en utilisant les modules de Drinfeld, que ζ ( s ) / I I 3 est transcendant pour tout s non divisible par q - 1 . Nous donnons ici une preuve «automatique» de la transcendance de ζ ( s ) / I I 3 pour 1 s q - 2 , en utilisant le théorème de Christol, Kamae, Mendès France et Rauzy.

Fonctions de récurrence des suites d’Arnoux-Rauzy et réponse à une question de Morse et Hedlund

Julien Cassaigne, Nataliya Chekhova (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

La fonction de récurrence R ( n ) d’une suite symbolique compte au bout de combien de temps on voit tous les mots de longueur n . Nous la calculons explicitement pour les suites d’Arnoux-Rauzy, définies par des conditions combinatoires qui en font une généralisation naturelle des suites sturmiennes. Puis nous répondons à une question de Morse et Hedlund (1940) en montrant que R ( n ) n ne peut avoir une limite finie pour aucune suite non ultimement périodique.

Forbidden factors and fragment assembly

F. Mignosi, A. Restivo, M. Sciortino (2001)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

In this paper methods and results related to the notion of minimal forbidden words are applied to the fragment assembly problem. The fragment assembly problem can be formulated, in its simplest form, as follows: reconstruct a word w from a given set I of substrings (fragments) of a word w . We introduce an hypothesis involving the set of fragments I and the maximal length m ( w ) of the minimal forbidden factors of w . Such hypothesis allows us to reconstruct uniquely the word w from the set I in linear...

Forbidden Factors and Fragment Assembly

F. Mignosi, A. Restivo, M. Sciortino (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

In this paper methods and results related to the notion of minimal forbidden words are applied to the fragment assembly problem. The fragment assembly problem can be formulated, in its simplest form, as follows: reconstruct a word w from a given set I of substrings (fragments) of a word w. We introduce an hypothesis involving the set of fragments I and the maximal length m(w) of the minimal forbidden factors of w. Such hypothesis allows us to reconstruct uniquely the word w from the set I in linear...


Vasco Brattka, Christiane Frougny, Norbert Mueller (2007)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


V. Bruyère, M. Rigo (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 195