Displaying 161 – 180 of 195

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Fusion based analysis of ophthalmologic image data

Jiří Jan, Radim Kolář, Libor Kubečka, Jan Odstrčilík, Jiří Gazárek (2011)


The paper presents an overview of image analysis activities of the Brno DAR group in the medical application area of retinal imaging. Particularly, illumination correction and SNR enhancement by registered averaging as preprocessing steps are briefly described; further mono- and multimodal registration methods developed for specific types of ophthalmological images, and methods for segmentation of optical disc, retinal vessel tree and autofluorescence areas are presented. Finally, the designed methods...

Fuzzy adaptation for information access to digital libraries.

Camino Fernández, Ignacio Aedo, Paloma Díaz, Vicente Matellán (2000)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Different models have been proposed to build systems that adapt to the user reducing the complexity in the information browsing process, saving user time and offering personalised interfaces. The work described in this paper named WAY-Z39.50, is an example of adaptive system specially built for accessing digital libraries. A fuzzy decision mechanism is used to implement the adaptation of both the user interface and the information searching process. This paper describes how this system has been...

Fuzzy approach for data association in image tracking.

Julio García, José Manuel Molina, Juan Alberto Besada, Javier I. Portillo (2003)

Mathware and Soft Computing

A fuzzy system has been developed to ponder update decisions both for the trajectories and shapes estimated for targets. It is embedded in an A-SMGCS Surveillance function for airport surface, based on video data processing, in charge of the automatic detection, identification and tracking of all interesting targets (aircraft and relevant ground vehicles). The tracking system captures a sequence of images, preprocesses them to extract the moving regions (blobs), and associates the blobs to tracks...

Fuzzy approximation relations, modal structures and possibilistic logic.

Francesc Esteva, Pere García, Lluis. Godo, Ricardo O. Rodríguez (1998)

Mathware and Soft Computing

The paper introduces a general axiomatic notion of approximation mapping, a mapping that associates to each crisp proposition p a fuzzy set representing approximately p. It is shown how it can be obtained through fuzzy relations, which are at least reflexive. We study the corresponding multi-modal systems depending on the properties satisfied by the approximate relation. Finally, we show some equivalences between possibilistic logical consequences and global/local logical consequences in the multi-modal...

Fuzzy clustering: Insights and new approach.

Frank Klawonn (2004)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Fuzzy clustering extends crisp clustering in the sense that objects can belong to various clusters with different membership degrees at the same time, whereas crisp or deterministic clustering assigns each object to a unique cluster. The standard approach to fuzzy clustering introduces the so-called fuzzifier which controls how much clusters may overlap. In this paper we illustrate, how this fuzzifier can help to reduce the number of undesired local minima of the objective function that is associated...

Fuzzy controller for obstacle-avoidance with a non-holonomous mobile robot.

Uribe 1, Juan Pedro, Joseba Urzelai (1998)

Mathware and Soft Computing

This paper describes the design and development of a sensor based navigation system which makes it possible for a non-holonomous mobile robot to avoid obstacles using information on its environment picked up by a belt of ultrasonic sensors. To control the robot no preliminary information regarding its environment is required, the robot adapts to them through the information gathered on the spot by the ultrasonic sensors and the information released from a spatial memory. The controller, which allows...

Fuzzy decision trees to help flexible querying

Christophe Marsala (2000)


Fuzzy data mining by means of the fuzzy decision tree method enables the construction of a set of fuzzy rules. Such a rule set can be associated with a database as a knowledge base that can be used to help answering frequent queries. In this paper, a study is done that enables us to show that classification by means of a fuzzy decision tree is equivalent to the generalized modus ponens. Moreover, it is shown that the decision taken by means of a fuzzy decision tree is more stable when observation...

Fuzzy grammatical inference using neural network.

Armando Blanco, A. Delgado, M. Carmen Pegalajar (1998)

Mathware and Soft Computing

We have shown a model of fuzzy neural network that is able to infer the relations associated to the transitions of a fuzzy automaton from a fuzzy examples set. Neural network is trained by a backpropagation of error based in a smooth derivative [1]. Once network has been trained the fuzzy relations associated to the transitions of the automaton are found encoded in the weights.

Fuzzy inference using a least square model.

Humberto Bustince, M. Calderón, Victoria Mohedano (1998)

Mathware and Soft Computing

In this paper, the method of least squares is applied to the fuzzy inference rules. We begin studying the conditions in which from a fuzzy set we can build another through the method of least squares. Then we apply this technique in order to evaluate the conclusions of the generalized modus ponens. We present different theorems and examples that demonstrate the fundamental advantages of the method studied.

Fuzzy max-min classifiers decide locally on the basis of two attributes.

Birka von Schmidt, Frank Klawonn (1999)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Fuzzy classification systems differ from fuzzy controllers in the form of their outputs. For classification problems a decision between a finite number of discrete classes has to be made, whereas in fuzzy control the output domain is usually continuous, i.e. a real interval. In this paper we consider fuzzy classification systems using the max-min inference scheme and classifying an unknown datum on the basis of maximum matching, i.e. assigning it to the class appearing in the consequent of the rule...

Fuzzy morphological operators in image processing.

Pedro J. Burillo López, Noé Frago Paños, Ramón Fuentes González (2003)

Mathware and Soft Computing

First of all, in this paper we propose a family of fuzzy implication operators, which the generalised Lukasiewicz's one, and to analyse the impacts of Smets and Magrez properties on these operators. The result of this approach will be a characterisation of a proposed family of inclusion grade operators (in Bandler and Kohout's manner) that satisfies the axioms of Divyendu and Dogherty. Second, we propose a method to define fuzzy morphological operators (erosions and dilations). A family of fuzzy...

Fuzzy multicriteria decision making applied to the strategic plan of Valencia.

Ana M. Nieto Morote, Francisco Ruz Vila (2002)

Mathware and Soft Computing

We present a fuzzy multicriteria decision making to get the ranking of several projects presented to the major council of Valencia whose final aim is to define the future urbanistic structure of the city. This technique allows us to deal with such problems that are defined by linguistic (and vague) terms, like the case mentioned below.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 195