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Simulation and design of extraction and separation fluidic devices

Bijan Mohammadi, Juan G. Santiago (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present the combination of a state control and shape design approaches for the optimization of micro-fluidic channels used for sample extraction and separation of chemical species existing in a buffer solution. The aim is to improve the extraction and identification capacities of electroosmotic micro-fluidic devices by avoiding dispersion of the extracted advected band.

Sulla nozione di stato per materiali viscoelastici di tipo «rate»

Dario Graffi, Mauro Fabrizio (1989)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si considera un materiale viscoelastico lineare in cui la funzione di rilassamento è la somma di n esponenziali. Lo stato σ di questi sistemi non è necessariamente assegnato dalla storia passata di E , ma è sufficiente fornire il valore iniziale del tensore di deformazione E , del tensore degli sforzi T e delle ( n 1 ) sue derivate. Infine per questi materiali abbiamo ottenuto una espressione dell'energia libera come una funzione dello stato di dimensione finita σ .

The assessment of the residual post-transient stresses in elastic-perfectly plastic solids subjected to cyclic loads

Castrenze Polizzotto (1993)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

For elastic-perfectly plastic solids (or structures) subjected to quasi-static cyclic loads, variational methods are presented for the direct eyâluation of the post-transient residual stresses, that is, the residual stresses in the structure at the end of the transient response phase, consequence of the plastic strains therein produced and crucial to predict the subsequent steady structural behaviour. The problem of the evaluation of the number of cycles spanned by the transient response is also...

The extended adjoint method

Stanislas Larnier, Mohamed Masmoudi (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Searching for the optimal partitioning of a domain leads to the use of the adjoint method in topological asymptotic expansions to know the influence of a domain perturbation on a cost function. Our approach works by restricting to local subproblems containing the perturbation and outperforms the adjoint method by providing approximations of higher order. It is a universal tool, easily adapted to different kinds of real problems and does not need the fundamental solution of the problem; furthermore...

The extended adjoint method

Stanislas Larnier, Mohamed Masmoudi (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Searching for the optimal partitioning of a domain leads to the use of the adjoint method in topological asymptotic expansions to know the influence of a domain perturbation on a cost function. Our approach works by restricting to local subproblems containing the perturbation and outperforms the adjoint method by providing approximations of higher order. It is a universal tool, easily adapted to different kinds of real problems and does not need...

The Mean-Variance-CVaR model for Portfolio Optimization Modeling using a Multi-Objective Approach Based on a Hybrid Method

R. Aboulaich, R. Ellaia, S. El Moumen (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this paper we present a new hybrid method, called SASP method. We propose the hybridization of two methods, the simulated annealing (SA), which belong to the class of global optimization based on the principles of thermodynamics, and the descent method were we estimate the gradient using the simultaneous perturbation. This hybrid method gives better results. We use the Normal Boundary Intersection approach (NBI) based on the SASP method to solve...

The topological asymptotic expansion for the Quasi-Stokes problem

Maatoug Hassine, Mohamed Masmoudi (2004)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we propose a topological sensitivity analysis for the Quasi-Stokes equations. It consists in an asymptotic expansion of a cost function with respect to the creation of a small hole in the domain. The leading term of this expansion is related to the principal part of the operator. The theoretical part of this work is discussed in both two and three dimensional cases. In the numerical part, we use this approach to optimize the locations of a fixed number of air injectors in an eutrophized...

The topological asymptotic expansion for the Quasi-Stokes problem

Maatoug Hassine, Mohamed Masmoudi (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we propose a topological sensitivity analysis for the Quasi-Stokes equations. It consists in an asymptotic expansion of a cost function with respect to the creation of a small hole in the domain. The leading term of this expansion is related to the principal part of the operator. The theoretical part of this work is discussed in both two and three dimensional cases. In the numerical part, we use this approach to optimize the locations of a fixed number of air injectors in an eutrophized...

Topology optimization of systems governed by variational inequalities

Andrzej Myśliński (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

This paper deals with the formulation of the necessary optimality condition for a topology optimization problem of an elastic body in unilateral contact with a rigid foundation. In the contact problem of Tresca, a given friction is governed by an elliptic variational inequality of the second order. The optimization problem consists in finding such topology of the domain occupied by the body that the normal contact stress along the contact boundary of the body is minimized. The topological derivative...

Vector variational problems and applications to optimal design

Pablo Pedregal (2005)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We examine how the use of typical techniques from non-convex vector variational problems can help in understanding optimal design problems in conductivity. After describing the main ideas of the underlying analysis and providing some standard material in an attempt to make the exposition self-contained, we show how those ideas apply to a typical optimal desing problem with two different conducting materials. Then we examine the equivalent relaxed formulation to end up with a new problem whose numerical...

Vector variational problems and applications to optimal design

Pablo Pedregal (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We examine how the use of typical techniques from non-convex vector variational problems can help in understanding optimal design problems in conductivity. After describing the main ideas of the underlying analysis and providing some standard material in an attempt to make the exposition self-contained, we show how those ideas apply to a typical optimal desing problem with two different conducting materials. Then we examine the equivalent relaxed formulation to end up with a new problem whose numerical...

Von Kármán equations. III. Solvability of the von Kármán equations with conditions for geometry of the boundary of the domain

Július Cibula (1991)

Applications of Mathematics

Solvability of the general boundary value problem for von Kármán system of nonlinear equations is studied. The problem is reduced to an operator equation. It is shown that the corresponding functional of energy is coercive and weakly lower semicontinuous. Then the functional of energy attains absolute minimum which is a variational solution of the problem.

Weight minimization of elastic bodies weakly supporting tension. I. Domains with one curved side

Ivan Hlaváček, Michal Křížek (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

Shape optimization of a two-dimensional elastic body is considered, provided the material is weakly supporting tension. The problem generalizes that of a masonry dam subjected to its own weight and to the hydrostatic presure. Existence of an optimal shape is proved. Using a penalty method and finite element technique, approximate solutions are proposed and their convergence is analyzed.

Weight minimization of elastic bodies weakly supporting tension. II. Domains with two curved sides

Ivan Hlaváček, Michal Křížek (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

Extending the results of the previous paper [1], the authors consider elastic bodies with two design variables, i.e. "curved trapezoids" with two curved variable sides. The left side is loaded by a hydrostatic pressure. Approximations of the boundary are defined by cubic Hermite splines and piecewise linear finite elements are used for the displacements. Both existence and some convergence analysis is presented for approximate penalized optimal design problems.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 85