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Motor-Mediated Microtubule Self-Organization in Dilute and Semi-Dilute Filament Solutions

S. Swaminathan, F. Ziebert, I. S. Aranson, D. Karpeev (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We study molecular motor-induced microtubule self-organization in dilute and semi-dilute filament solutions. In the dilute case, we use a probabilistic model of microtubule interaction via molecular motors to investigate microtubule bundle dynamics. Microtubules are modeled as polar rods interacting through fully inelastic, binary collisions. Our model indicates that initially disordered systems of interacting rods exhibit an orientational instability...

Multiscale Materials Modelling: Case Studies at the Atomistic and Electronic Structure Levels

Emilio Silva, Clemens Först, Ju Li, Xi Lin, Ting Zhu, Sidney Yip (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Although the intellectual merits of computational modelling across various length and time scales are generally well accepted, good illustrative examples are often lacking. One way to begin appreciating the benefits of the multiscale approach is to first gain experience in probing complex physical phenomena at one scale at a time. Here we discuss materials modelling at two characteristic scales separately, the atomistic level where interactions are specified through classical potentials and the...

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