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Machine Repair Problem in Production Systems with Spares and Server Vacations

Jau-Chuan Ke, Ssu-Lang Lee, Cheng-Hwai Liou (2009)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This paper studies the machine repair problem consisting of M operating machines with S spare machines, and R servers (repairmen) who leave for a vacation of random length when there are no failed machines queuing up for repair in the repair facility. At the end of the vacation the servers return to the repair facility and operate one of three vacation policies: single vacation, multiple vacation, and hybrid single/multiple vacation. The Markov process and the matrix-geometric approach are used...

Maintenance policy under multiple unrevealed failure.

Francisco Germán Badía Blasco, M.ª Dolores Berrade Ursúa, Clemente A. Campos (2002)


The unrevealed failures of a system are detected only by inspection. In this work, an inspection policy along with a maintenance procedure for multiunit systems with dependent times to failure is presented. The existence of an optimum policy is also discussed.

Managing a patient waiting list with time-dependent priority and adverse events

Daiki Min, Yuehwern Yih (2014)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

This paper addresses the problem of managing a waiting list for elective surgery to decide the number of patients selected from the waiting list and to schedule them in accordance with the operating room capacity in the next period. The waiting list prioritizes patients not only by their initial urgency level but also by their waiting time. Selecting elective surgery patients requires a balance between the waiting time for urgent patients and that for less urgent patients. The problem is formulated...

Market clearing price and equilibria of the progressive second price mechanism

Patrick Maillé (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The Progressive Second Price mechanism (PSP), recently introduced by Lazar and Semret to share an infinitely-divisible resource among users through pricing, has been shown to verify very interesting properties. Indeed, the incentive compatibility property of that scheme, and the convergence to an efficient resource allocation where established, using the framework of Game Theory. Therefore, that auction-based allocation and pricing scheme seems particularly well-suited to solve congestion problems...

Markov decision processes on finite spaces with fuzzy total rewards

Karla Carrero-Vera, Hugo Cruz-Suárez, Raúl Montes-de-Oca (2022)


The paper concerns Markov decision processes (MDPs) with both the state and the decision spaces being finite and with the total reward as the objective function. For such a kind of MDPs, the authors assume that the reward function is of a fuzzy type. Specifically, this fuzzy reward function is of a suitable trapezoidal shape which is a function of a standard non-fuzzy reward. The fuzzy control problem consists of determining a control policy that maximizes the fuzzy expected total reward, where...

Markov decision processes with time-varying discount factors and random horizon

Rocio Ilhuicatzi-Roldán, Hugo Cruz-Suárez, Selene Chávez-Rodríguez (2017)


This paper is related to Markov Decision Processes. The optimal control problem is to minimize the expected total discounted cost, with a non-constant discount factor. The discount factor is time-varying and it could depend on the state and the action. Furthermore, it is considered that the horizon of the optimization problem is given by a discrete random variable, that is, a random horizon is assumed. Under general conditions on Markov control model, using the dynamic programming approach, an optimality...

Mathematical analysis of the optimizing acquisition and retention over time problem

Adi Ditkowski (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

While making informed decisions regarding investments in customer retention and acquisition becomes a pressing managerial issue, formal models and analysis, which may provide insight into this topic, are still scarce. In this study we examine two dynamic models for optimal acquisition and retention models of a monopoly, the total cost and the cost per customer models. These models are analytically analyzed using classical, direct, methods and asymptotic expansions (for the total cost model). In...

Mathematical analysis of the optimizing acquisition and retention over time problem

Adi Ditkowski (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

While making informed decisions regarding investments in customer retention and acquisition becomes a pressing managerial issue, formal models and analysis, which may provide insight into this topic, are still scarce. In this study we examine two dynamic models for optimal acquisition and retention models of a monopoly, the total cost and the cost per customer models. These models are analytically analyzed using classical, direct, methods and asymptotic expansions (for the total cost model). In...

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