Singular Hecke algebras, Markov traces, and HOMFLY-type invariants

Luis Paris[1]; Loïc Rabenda[1]

  • [1] Université de Bourgogne Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne UMR 5584 du CNRS B.P. 47870 21078 Dijon cedex (France)

Annales de l’institut Fourier (2008)

  • Volume: 58, Issue: 7, page 2413-2443
  • ISSN: 0373-0956


We define the singular Hecke algebra ( S B n ) as the quotient of the singular braid monoid algebra ( q ) [ S B n ] by the Hecke relations σ k 2 = ( q - 1 ) σ k + q , 1 k n - 1 . We define the notion of Markov trace in this context, fixing the number d of singular points, and we prove that a Markov trace determines an invariant on the links with d singular points which satisfies some skein relation. Let TR d denote the set of Markov traces with d singular points. This is a ( q , z ) -vector space. Our main result is that TR d is of dimension d + 1 . This result is completed with an explicit construction of a basis of TR d . Thanks to this result, we define a universal Markov trace and a universal HOMFLY-type invariant on singular links. This invariant is the unique invariant which satisfies some skein relation and some desingularization relation.

How to cite


Paris, Luis, and Rabenda, Loïc. "Singular Hecke algebras, Markov traces, and HOMFLY-type invariants." Annales de l’institut Fourier 58.7 (2008): 2413-2443. <>.

abstract = {We define the singular Hecke algebra $\{\mathcal\{H\}\} (SB_n)$ as the quotient of the singular braid monoid algebra $\{\mathbb\{C\}\} (q) [SB_n]$ by the Hecke relations $\sigma _k^2 = (q-1) \sigma _k +q$, $1 \le k\le n-1$. We define the notion of Markov trace in this context, fixing the number $d$ of singular points, and we prove that a Markov trace determines an invariant on the links with $d$ singular points which satisfies some skein relation. Let $\{\rm TR\}_d$ denote the set of Markov traces with $d$ singular points. This is a $\{\mathbb\{C\}\} (q,z)$-vector space. Our main result is that $\{\rm TR\}_d$ is of dimension $d+1$. This result is completed with an explicit construction of a basis of $\{\rm TR\}_d$. Thanks to this result, we define a universal Markov trace and a universal HOMFLY-type invariant on singular links. This invariant is the unique invariant which satisfies some skein relation and some desingularization relation.},
affiliation = {Université de Bourgogne Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne UMR 5584 du CNRS B.P. 47870 21078 Dijon cedex (France); Université de Bourgogne Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne UMR 5584 du CNRS B.P. 47870 21078 Dijon cedex (France)},
author = {Paris, Luis, Rabenda, Loïc},
journal = {Annales de l’institut Fourier},
keywords = {Singular Hecke algebra; singular link; singular knot; singular braid; Markov trace; singular Hecke algebra; Markov trace, HOMFLY-type invariant.},
language = {eng},
number = {7},
pages = {2413-2443},
publisher = {Association des Annales de l’institut Fourier},
title = {Singular Hecke algebras, Markov traces, and HOMFLY-type invariants},
url = {},
volume = {58},
year = {2008},

AU - Paris, Luis
AU - Rabenda, Loïc
TI - Singular Hecke algebras, Markov traces, and HOMFLY-type invariants
JO - Annales de l’institut Fourier
PY - 2008
PB - Association des Annales de l’institut Fourier
VL - 58
IS - 7
SP - 2413
EP - 2443
AB - We define the singular Hecke algebra ${\mathcal{H}} (SB_n)$ as the quotient of the singular braid monoid algebra ${\mathbb{C}} (q) [SB_n]$ by the Hecke relations $\sigma _k^2 = (q-1) \sigma _k +q$, $1 \le k\le n-1$. We define the notion of Markov trace in this context, fixing the number $d$ of singular points, and we prove that a Markov trace determines an invariant on the links with $d$ singular points which satisfies some skein relation. Let ${\rm TR}_d$ denote the set of Markov traces with $d$ singular points. This is a ${\mathbb{C}} (q,z)$-vector space. Our main result is that ${\rm TR}_d$ is of dimension $d+1$. This result is completed with an explicit construction of a basis of ${\rm TR}_d$. Thanks to this result, we define a universal Markov trace and a universal HOMFLY-type invariant on singular links. This invariant is the unique invariant which satisfies some skein relation and some desingularization relation.
LA - eng
KW - Singular Hecke algebra; singular link; singular knot; singular braid; Markov trace; singular Hecke algebra; Markov trace, HOMFLY-type invariant.
UR -
ER -


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