-knots via the mapping class group of the twice punctured torus.
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Cattabriga, Alessia, Mulazzani, Michele (2004)
Advances in Geometry
Józef Przytycki (1998)
Banach Center Publications
Luigi Grasselli (1990)
Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
We describe a combinatorial algorithm for constructing all orientable 3-manifolds with a given standard bidimensional spine by making use of the idea of bijoin (Bandieri and Gagliardi (1982), Graselli (1985)) over a suitable pseudosimplicial triangulation of the spine.
Robion Kirby (1978)
Inventiones mathematicae
Carmen Caprau (2014)
Banach Center Publications
We employ the sl(2) foam cohomology to define a cohomology theory for oriented framed tangles whose components are labeled by irreducible representations of . We show that the corresponding colored invariants of tangles can be assembled into invariants of bigger tangles. For the case of knots and links, the corresponding theory is a categorification of the colored Jones polynomial, and provides a tool for efficient computations of the resulting colored invariant of knots and links. Our theory is...
Noboru Ito (2014)
Banach Center Publications
In this note, we prove the existence of a tri-graded Khovanov-type bicomplex (Theorem 1.2). The graded Euler characteristic of the total complex associated with this bicomplex is the colored Jones polynomial of a link. The first grading of the bicomplex is a homological one derived from cabling of the link (i.e., replacing a strand of the link by several parallel strands); the second grading is related to the homological grading of ordinary Khovanov homology; finally, the third grading is preserved...
Paweł Traczyk (2004)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
We express the signature of an alternating link in terms of some combinatorial characteristics of its diagram.
Daniel Krasner (2009)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
We investigate the Khovanov-Rozansky invariant of a certain tangle and its compositions. Surprisingly the complexes we encounter reduce to ones that are very simple. Furthermore, we discuss a "local" algorithm for computing Khovanov-Rozansky homology and compare our results with those for the "foam" version of sl₃-homology.
Marché, Julien (2004)
Algebraic & Geometric Topology
Stavros Garoufalidis (2004)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
We formulate a conjectural formula for Khovanov's invariants of alternating knots in terms of the Jones polynomial and the signature of the knot.
Doyle, P.H. (1978)
Portugaliae mathematica
Corinne Cerf (2002)
Visual Mathematics
Ohtsuki, Tomotada (1998)
Documenta Mathematica
Khovanov, Mikhail (2002)
Algebraic & Geometric Topology
Makoto Matsumoto (1999)
Annales de l'institut Fourier
A category generalizing Jaeger-Nomura algebra associated to a spin model is given. It is used to prove some equivalence among the four conditions by Jaeger-Nomura for spin models of index 2.
H. Doll (1992)
Mathematische Annalen
Bruce Westbury (1998)
Banach Center Publications
Mellor, Blake, Melvin, Paul (2003)
Algebraic & Geometric Topology
Paweł Traczyk (1995)
Banach Center Publications
David Cimasoni, Vladimir Turaev (2006)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
The present paper is a continuation of our previous paper [Topology 44 (2005), 747-767], where we extended the Burau representation to oriented tangles. We now study further properties of this construction.
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