Bogdan Ziemian (1953-1997)

Bogdan Bojarski; Stanisław Łojasiewicz; Grzegorz Łysik; Zofia Szmydt

Annales Polonici Mathematici (2000)

  • Volume: 74, Issue: 1, page 1-11
  • ISSN: 0066-2216

How to cite


Bojarski, Bogdan, et al. "Bogdan Ziemian (1953-1997)." Annales Polonici Mathematici 74.1 (2000): 1-11. <>.

author = {Bojarski, Bogdan, Łojasiewicz, Stanisław, Łysik, Grzegorz, Szmydt, Zofia},
journal = {Annales Polonici Mathematici},
keywords = {Obituary},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {1-11},
title = {Bogdan Ziemian (1953-1997)},
url = {},
volume = {74},
year = {2000},

AU - Bojarski, Bogdan
AU - Łojasiewicz, Stanisław
AU - Łysik, Grzegorz
AU - Szmydt, Zofia
TI - Bogdan Ziemian (1953-1997)
JO - Annales Polonici Mathematici
PY - 2000
VL - 74
IS - 1
SP - 1
EP - 11
LA - eng
KW - Obituary
UR -
ER -


  1. [1] The group G of proper Lorentz transformations and G-invariant distributions, Appendix in: Z. Szmydt, Fourier Transformations and Linear Differential Equations, PWN, Warszawa, and Reidel, Dordrecht, 1977, 464-471. 
  2. [2] On distributions invariant with respect to some linear transformations, Ann. Polon. Math. 36 (1979), 261-276. Zbl0335.46026
  4. [4] On G-invariant distributions, J. Differential Equations 35 (1980), 66-86. 
  5. [5] Special solutions of the equations Pu = 0, Pu = δ for invariant linear differential operators with polynomial coefficients (with Z. Szmydt), J. Differential Equations 39 (1981), 226-256. Zbl0455.34006
  6. [6] Distributions invariant under compact Lie groups, Ann. Polon. Math. 42 (1983), 175-183. Zbl0541.58007
  7. [7] Fundamental solution for operators preserving a quadratic form (with Z. Szmydt), ibid., 369-386. 
  8. [8] A method for constructing invariant fundamental solutions for invariant operators (with Z. Szmydt), in: Proc. Conf. Convergence and Generalized Functions (Kato- wice, 1983), IM PAN, Warszawa, 1984, 149-155. 
  9. [9] A method for constructing invariant fundamental solutions for (with Z. Szmydt), Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej Ser. Mat.-Fiz. 48 (1986), 147-164. 
  10. [10] Explicit invariant solutions for invariant linear differential operators (with Z. Szmydt), Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 98 (1984), 149-166. 
  11. [11] Local order function for homogeneous rotation invariant distributions and their multiplication (with Z. Szmydt), Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sect. A 38 (1984), 139-143. 
  12. [12] A Taylor type decomposition for distributions in one dimension, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 32 (1984), 143-155. Zbl0573.46020
  13. [13] An analysis of microlocal singularities of functions and distributions on the real line, ibid., 157-164. Zbl0584.46027
  14. [14] The derivative of a measurable function and of a distribution at a point and its basic properties, ibid., 165-177. Zbl0585.46032
  15. [15] An invariance method for constructing fundamental solutions for (with Z. Szmydt), Ann. Polon. Math. 46 (1985), 333-360. 
  16. [16] Singular ordinary differential equations on spaces of singular test functions with applications to invariant partial differential operators (with Z. Szmydt), in: Proc. Conf. Differential Equations and Applications (Rousse, 1985), 1987, 955-958. 
  17. [17] The Mellin transformation and microlocal singularities of distributions, %Proc. Conf. Diff. Equ. Appl. Rousse 1985, (1987), ibid., 1005-1008. 
  18. [18] Invariant fundamental solution of the wave operator (with Z. Szmydt), Demonstratio Math. 19 (1986), 371-386. Zbl0653.35048
  19. [19] Taylor formula for distributions in several dimensions, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 34 (1986), 277-286. Zbl0632.46033
  20. [20] Multidimensional Mellin transformation and partial differential operators with regular singularity (with Z. Szmydt), ibid. 35 (1987), 167-180. Zbl0666.35038
  21. [21] Mellin analysis of singularities (with G. Łysik), in: Proc. Internat. Summer School on Nonlinear Differential Equations (Varna, 1987). 
  22. [22] Solutions of singular elliptic equations via the Mellin transformation on sets of high order of tangency to the singular lines (with Z. Szmydt), Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 36 (1988), 521-535. Zbl0777.35025
  23. [23] Taylor formula for distributions, Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.) 264 (1988) Zbl0685.46025
  24. [24] The Mellin transformation and multidimensional generalized Taylor expansions of singular functions, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA Math. 36 (1989), 263-295. Zbl0713.46025
  25. [25] Local existence and regularity of solutions of singular elliptic operators on manifolds with corner singularities (with Z. Szmydt), J. Differential Equations 83 (1990), 1-25. Zbl0702.35105
  26. [26] Mean value theorems for linear and semi-linear rotation invariant operators, Ann. Polon. Math. 51 (1990), 341-348. Zbl0726.34008
  27. [27] Generalized Taylor expansions and theory of resurgent functions of Jean Ecalle, in: Proc. Conf. Generalized Functions and Convergence (Katowice, 1988), World Sci., 1990, 285-295. 
  28. [28] Second microlocalization and the Mellin transformation (with H. Kołakowski), Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. % Kyoto University, 26 (1990), 785-801. 
  29. [29] Continuous radial asymptotics for solutions to elliptic Fuchsian equations in 2-dimensions, in: Proc. Sympos. Microlocal Analysis and Its Applications (Kyoto, 1990), Sûrikaisekikenkyûsho Kôkyûroku 750, Kyoto, 1991, 3-19. 
  30. [30] The modified Cauchy transformation with applications to generalized Taylor expansions, Studia Math. 102 (1992), 1-24. Zbl0815.46035
  31. [31] Characterization of Mellin distributions supported by certain noncompact sets (with Z. Szmydt), ibid., 25-38. 
  32. [32] Elliptic corner operators in spaces with continuous radial asymptotics I, J. Differential Equations 101 (1993), 28-57. Zbl0777.47028
  33. [33] Elliptic corner operators in spaces with continuous radial asymptotics II, in: Partial Differential Equations, Banach Center Publ. 27, IM PAN, Warszawa, 1992, 555-580. Zbl0813.47061
  34. [34] The Mellin Transformation and Fuchsian Type Partial Differential Equations (with Z. Szmydt), Math. Appl. 56, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1992. 
  35. [35] Leray residue formula and asymptotics of solutions to constant coefficient PDEs, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 3 (1994), 257-293. Zbl0813.47060
  36. [36] Mellin analysis of singular and non-linear PDEs, in: Proc. Conf. Equadiff 8 (Bratislava, 1993), Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 4 (1994), 243-248. 
  37. [37] Exact radial asymptotics of solutions to singular elliptic differential equations (with G. Łysik), in: Proc. Fifth Internat. Colloquium on Differential Equations (Plovdiv, 1994), VSP, Utrecht, 1995, 213-221. 
  38. [38] Between the Paley-Wiener theorem and the Bochner tube theorem (with Z. Szmydt), Ann. Polon. Math. 60 (1995), 299-304. Zbl0830.46034
  39. [39] Generalized analytic functions with applications to singular ordinary and partial differential equations, Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.) 354 (1996). 
  40. [40] A remark on Nilsson type integrals (with Nguyen Si Minh), in: Singularities and Differential Equations, Banach Center Publ. 33, IM PAN, Warszawa, 1996, 277-285. 
  41. [41] Uogólnione funkcje analityczne z zastosowaniami [Generalized analytic functions with applications] (with G. Łysik), Wiadom. Mat. 32 (1996), 15-25 (in Polish). 
  42. [42] Borel resummation of formal solutions to nonlinear Laplace equations in 2 variables (with M. E. Pliś), Ann. Polon. Math. 67 (1997), 31-41. 
  43. [43] Laplace distributions and hyperfunctions on (with Z. Szmydt), J. Math. Sci. Tokyo Univ. 5 (1998), 41-74. 
  44. [44] Topological imbedding of Laplace distributions in Laplace hyperfunctions (with Z. Szmydt), Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.) 376 (1998). Zbl0917.46037
  45. [45] Convolution equations in the space of Laplace distributions (with M. E. Pliś), Ann. Polon. Math. 69 (1998), 271-181. 
  46. [46] On extendability of invariant distributions, posthumous, this volume, 13-25. Bogdan Ziemian's preprints 
  47. [P1] 20 lectures on ordinary and partial differential equations. Geometric methods of complex analysis, preprint, IM PAN, Warszawa, 1992. 
  48. [P2] Holomorphic regularization of meromorphic functions, preprint, Université de Tours, 1996. 
  49. [P3] Unfinished notes of Bogdan Ziemian, preprint, IM PAN, Warszawa, 2000. Other references 
  50. [R1] H. Kołakowski, Mellin analysis of partial differential equations in papers of B. Ziemian, this volume, 27-33. Zbl0962.35007
  51. [R2] G. Łysik, Generalized analytic functions of Bogdan Ziemian, this volume, 35-41. Zbl0959.34004
  52. [R3] G. Łysik, Laplace integrals in partial differential equations in papers of Bogdan Ziemian, this volume, 43-50. Zbl0967.35005

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