On the multiplicity function of ergodic group extensions, II

Jakub Kwiatkowski; Mariusz Lemańczyk

Studia Mathematica (1995)

  • Volume: 116, Issue: 3, page 207-215
  • ISSN: 0039-3223


For an arbitrary set A + containing 1, an ergodic automorphism T whose set of essential values of the multiplicity function is equal to A is constructed. If A is additionally finite, T can be chosen to be an analytic diffeomorphism on a finite-dimensional torus.

How to cite


Kwiatkowski, Jakub, and Lemańczyk, Mariusz. "On the multiplicity function of ergodic group extensions, II." Studia Mathematica 116.3 (1995): 207-215. <http://eudml.org/doc/216228>.

abstract = {For an arbitrary set $A ⊆ ℕ^+$ containing 1, an ergodic automorphism T whose set of essential values of the multiplicity function is equal to A is constructed. If A is additionally finite, T can be chosen to be an analytic diffeomorphism on a finite-dimensional torus.},
author = {Kwiatkowski, Jakub, Lemańczyk, Mariusz},
journal = {Studia Mathematica},
keywords = {ergodic group extensions; multiplicity function; Morse automorphisms; weakly mixing},
language = {eng},
number = {3},
pages = {207-215},
title = {On the multiplicity function of ergodic group extensions, II},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/216228},
volume = {116},
year = {1995},

AU - Kwiatkowski, Jakub
AU - Lemańczyk, Mariusz
TI - On the multiplicity function of ergodic group extensions, II
JO - Studia Mathematica
PY - 1995
VL - 116
IS - 3
SP - 207
EP - 215
AB - For an arbitrary set $A ⊆ ℕ^+$ containing 1, an ergodic automorphism T whose set of essential values of the multiplicity function is equal to A is constructed. If A is additionally finite, T can be chosen to be an analytic diffeomorphism on a finite-dimensional torus.
LA - eng
KW - ergodic group extensions; multiplicity function; Morse automorphisms; weakly mixing
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/216228
ER -


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