On the Stack-Size of General Tries

Jérémie Bourdon; Markus Nebel; Brigitte Vallée

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications (2010)

  • Volume: 35, Issue: 2, page 163-185
  • ISSN: 0988-3754


Digital trees or tries are a general purpose flexible data structure that implements dictionaries built on words. The present paper is focussed on the average-case analysis of an important parameter of this tree-structure, i.e., the stack-size. The stack-size of a tree is the memory needed by a storage-optimal preorder traversal. The analysis is carried out under a general model in which words are produced by a source (in the information-theoretic sense) that emits symbols. Under some natural assumptions that encompass all commonly used data models (and more), we obtain a precise average-case and probabilistic analysis of stack-size. Furthermore, we study the dependency between the stack-size and the ordering on symbols in the alphabet: we establish that, when the source emits independent symbols, the optimal ordering arises when the most probable symbol is the last one in this order.

How to cite


Bourdon, Jérémie, Nebel, Markus, and Vallée, Brigitte. "On the Stack-Size of General Tries." RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications 35.2 (2010): 163-185. <http://eudml.org/doc/222100>.

abstract = { Digital trees or tries are a general purpose flexible data structure that implements dictionaries built on words. The present paper is focussed on the average-case analysis of an important parameter of this tree-structure, i.e., the stack-size. The stack-size of a tree is the memory needed by a storage-optimal preorder traversal. The analysis is carried out under a general model in which words are produced by a source (in the information-theoretic sense) that emits symbols. Under some natural assumptions that encompass all commonly used data models (and more), we obtain a precise average-case and probabilistic analysis of stack-size. Furthermore, we study the dependency between the stack-size and the ordering on symbols in the alphabet: we establish that, when the source emits independent symbols, the optimal ordering arises when the most probable symbol is the last one in this order. },
author = {Bourdon, Jérémie, Nebel, Markus, Vallée, Brigitte},
journal = {RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications},
keywords = {Average-case analysis of data-structures; information theory; trie; Mellin analysis.; digital trees; stack-size},
language = {eng},
month = {3},
number = {2},
pages = {163-185},
publisher = {EDP Sciences},
title = {On the Stack-Size of General Tries},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/222100},
volume = {35},
year = {2010},

AU - Bourdon, Jérémie
AU - Nebel, Markus
AU - Vallée, Brigitte
TI - On the Stack-Size of General Tries
JO - RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications
DA - 2010/3//
PB - EDP Sciences
VL - 35
IS - 2
SP - 163
EP - 185
AB - Digital trees or tries are a general purpose flexible data structure that implements dictionaries built on words. The present paper is focussed on the average-case analysis of an important parameter of this tree-structure, i.e., the stack-size. The stack-size of a tree is the memory needed by a storage-optimal preorder traversal. The analysis is carried out under a general model in which words are produced by a source (in the information-theoretic sense) that emits symbols. Under some natural assumptions that encompass all commonly used data models (and more), we obtain a precise average-case and probabilistic analysis of stack-size. Furthermore, we study the dependency between the stack-size and the ordering on symbols in the alphabet: we establish that, when the source emits independent symbols, the optimal ordering arises when the most probable symbol is the last one in this order.
LA - eng
KW - Average-case analysis of data-structures; information theory; trie; Mellin analysis.; digital trees; stack-size
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/222100
ER -


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