Customized crossover in evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories

Rafał Szłapczyński; Joanna Szłapczyńska

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (2012)

  • Volume: 22, Issue: 4, page 999-1009
  • ISSN: 1641-876X


The paper presents selected aspects of evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories-a method which applies evolutionary algorithms and some of the assumptions of game theory to solving ship encounter situations. For given positions and motion parameters of the ships, the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. The method works in real time and the solutions must be returned within one minute, which enforces speeding up the optimisation process. During the development of the method the authors tested various problem-dedicated crossover operators to obtain the best performance. The results of that research are given here. The paper includes a detailed description of these operators as well as statistical simulation results and examples of experiment results.

How to cite


Rafał Szłapczyński, and Joanna Szłapczyńska. "Customized crossover in evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories." International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 22.4 (2012): 999-1009. <>.

abstract = {The paper presents selected aspects of evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories-a method which applies evolutionary algorithms and some of the assumptions of game theory to solving ship encounter situations. For given positions and motion parameters of the ships, the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. The method works in real time and the solutions must be returned within one minute, which enforces speeding up the optimisation process. During the development of the method the authors tested various problem-dedicated crossover operators to obtain the best performance. The results of that research are given here. The paper includes a detailed description of these operators as well as statistical simulation results and examples of experiment results.},
author = {Rafał Szłapczyński, Joanna Szłapczyńska},
journal = {International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science},
keywords = {evolutionary algorithms; ship collision avoidance; decision support systems},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {999-1009},
title = {Customized crossover in evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories},
url = {},
volume = {22},
year = {2012},

AU - Rafał Szłapczyński
AU - Joanna Szłapczyńska
TI - Customized crossover in evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories
JO - International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
PY - 2012
VL - 22
IS - 4
SP - 999
EP - 1009
AB - The paper presents selected aspects of evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories-a method which applies evolutionary algorithms and some of the assumptions of game theory to solving ship encounter situations. For given positions and motion parameters of the ships, the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. The method works in real time and the solutions must be returned within one minute, which enforces speeding up the optimisation process. During the development of the method the authors tested various problem-dedicated crossover operators to obtain the best performance. The results of that research are given here. The paper includes a detailed description of these operators as well as statistical simulation results and examples of experiment results.
LA - eng
KW - evolutionary algorithms; ship collision avoidance; decision support systems
UR -
ER -


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