Subnormal, permutable, and embedded subgroups in finite groups

James Beidleman; Mathew Ragland

Open Mathematics (2011)

  • Volume: 9, Issue: 4, page 915-921
  • ISSN: 2391-5455


The purpose of this paper is to study the subgroup embedding properties of S-semipermutability, semipermutability, and seminormality. Here we say H is S-semipermutable (resp. semipermutable) in a group Gif H permutes which each Sylow subgroup (resp. subgroup) of G whose order is relatively prime to that of H. We say H is seminormal in a group G if H is normalized by subgroups of G whose order is relatively prime to that of H. In particular, we establish that a seminormal p-subgroup is subnormal. We also establish that the solvable groups in which S-permutability is a transitive relation are precisely the groups in which the subnormal subgroups are all S-semipermutable. Local characterizations of this result are also established.

How to cite


James Beidleman, and Mathew Ragland. "Subnormal, permutable, and embedded subgroups in finite groups." Open Mathematics 9.4 (2011): 915-921. <>.

abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to study the subgroup embedding properties of S-semipermutability, semipermutability, and seminormality. Here we say H is S-semipermutable (resp. semipermutable) in a group Gif H permutes which each Sylow subgroup (resp. subgroup) of G whose order is relatively prime to that of H. We say H is seminormal in a group G if H is normalized by subgroups of G whose order is relatively prime to that of H. In particular, we establish that a seminormal p-subgroup is subnormal. We also establish that the solvable groups in which S-permutability is a transitive relation are precisely the groups in which the subnormal subgroups are all S-semipermutable. Local characterizations of this result are also established.},
author = {James Beidleman, Mathew Ragland},
journal = {Open Mathematics},
keywords = {Solvable group; PST-group; Subnormal subgroup; S-semipermutable; Seminormal subgroup; finite solvable groups; permutable subgroups; subnormal subgroups; semipermutable subgroups; seminormal subgroups; PST-groups; Sylow subgroups},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {915-921},
title = {Subnormal, permutable, and embedded subgroups in finite groups},
url = {},
volume = {9},
year = {2011},

AU - James Beidleman
AU - Mathew Ragland
TI - Subnormal, permutable, and embedded subgroups in finite groups
JO - Open Mathematics
PY - 2011
VL - 9
IS - 4
SP - 915
EP - 921
AB - The purpose of this paper is to study the subgroup embedding properties of S-semipermutability, semipermutability, and seminormality. Here we say H is S-semipermutable (resp. semipermutable) in a group Gif H permutes which each Sylow subgroup (resp. subgroup) of G whose order is relatively prime to that of H. We say H is seminormal in a group G if H is normalized by subgroups of G whose order is relatively prime to that of H. In particular, we establish that a seminormal p-subgroup is subnormal. We also establish that the solvable groups in which S-permutability is a transitive relation are precisely the groups in which the subnormal subgroups are all S-semipermutable. Local characterizations of this result are also established.
LA - eng
KW - Solvable group; PST-group; Subnormal subgroup; S-semipermutable; Seminormal subgroup; finite solvable groups; permutable subgroups; subnormal subgroups; semipermutable subgroups; seminormal subgroups; PST-groups; Sylow subgroups
UR -
ER -


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