Quantum B-algebras

Wolfgang Rump

Open Mathematics (2013)

  • Volume: 11, Issue: 11, page 1881-1899
  • ISSN: 2391-5455


The concept of quantale was created in 1984 to develop a framework for non-commutative spaces and quantum mechanics with a view toward non-commutative logic. The logic of quantales and its algebraic semantics manifests itself in a class of partially ordered algebras with a pair of implicational operations recently introduced as quantum B-algebras. Implicational algebras like pseudo-effect algebras, generalized BL- or MV-algebras, partially ordered groups, pseudo-BCK algebras, residuated posets, cone algebras, etc., are quantum B-algebras, and every quantum B-algebra can be recovered from its spectrum which is a quantale. By a two-fold application of the functor “spectrum”, it is shown that quantum B-algebras have a completion which is again a quantale. Every quantale Q is a quantum B-algebra, and its spectrum is a bigger quantale which repairs the deficiency of the inverse residuals of Q. The connected components of a quantum B-algebra are shown to be a group, a fact that applies to normal quantum B-algebras arising in algebraic number theory, as well as to pseudo-BCI algebras and quantum BL-algebras. The logic of quantum B-algebras is shown to be complete.

How to cite


Wolfgang Rump. "Quantum B-algebras." Open Mathematics 11.11 (2013): 1881-1899. <http://eudml.org/doc/269313>.

abstract = {The concept of quantale was created in 1984 to develop a framework for non-commutative spaces and quantum mechanics with a view toward non-commutative logic. The logic of quantales and its algebraic semantics manifests itself in a class of partially ordered algebras with a pair of implicational operations recently introduced as quantum B-algebras. Implicational algebras like pseudo-effect algebras, generalized BL- or MV-algebras, partially ordered groups, pseudo-BCK algebras, residuated posets, cone algebras, etc., are quantum B-algebras, and every quantum B-algebra can be recovered from its spectrum which is a quantale. By a two-fold application of the functor “spectrum”, it is shown that quantum B-algebras have a completion which is again a quantale. Every quantale Q is a quantum B-algebra, and its spectrum is a bigger quantale which repairs the deficiency of the inverse residuals of Q. The connected components of a quantum B-algebra are shown to be a group, a fact that applies to normal quantum B-algebras arising in algebraic number theory, as well as to pseudo-BCI algebras and quantum BL-algebras. The logic of quantum B-algebras is shown to be complete.},
author = {Wolfgang Rump},
journal = {Open Mathematics},
keywords = {Quantale; Non-commutative logic; Partially ordered group; quantale; non-commutative logic; partially ordered group},
language = {eng},
number = {11},
pages = {1881-1899},
title = {Quantum B-algebras},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/269313},
volume = {11},
year = {2013},

AU - Wolfgang Rump
TI - Quantum B-algebras
JO - Open Mathematics
PY - 2013
VL - 11
IS - 11
SP - 1881
EP - 1899
AB - The concept of quantale was created in 1984 to develop a framework for non-commutative spaces and quantum mechanics with a view toward non-commutative logic. The logic of quantales and its algebraic semantics manifests itself in a class of partially ordered algebras with a pair of implicational operations recently introduced as quantum B-algebras. Implicational algebras like pseudo-effect algebras, generalized BL- or MV-algebras, partially ordered groups, pseudo-BCK algebras, residuated posets, cone algebras, etc., are quantum B-algebras, and every quantum B-algebra can be recovered from its spectrum which is a quantale. By a two-fold application of the functor “spectrum”, it is shown that quantum B-algebras have a completion which is again a quantale. Every quantale Q is a quantum B-algebra, and its spectrum is a bigger quantale which repairs the deficiency of the inverse residuals of Q. The connected components of a quantum B-algebra are shown to be a group, a fact that applies to normal quantum B-algebras arising in algebraic number theory, as well as to pseudo-BCI algebras and quantum BL-algebras. The logic of quantum B-algebras is shown to be complete.
LA - eng
KW - Quantale; Non-commutative logic; Partially ordered group; quantale; non-commutative logic; partially ordered group
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/269313
ER -


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