On uniquely partitionable relational structures and object systems

Jozef Bucko; Peter Mihók

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory (2006)

  • Volume: 26, Issue: 2, page 281-289
  • ISSN: 2083-5892


We introduce object systems as a common generalization of graphs, hypergraphs, digraphs and relational structures. Let C be a concrete category, a simple object system over C is an ordered pair S = (V,E), where E = A₁,A₂,...,Aₘ is a finite set of the objects of C, such that the ground-set V ( A i ) of each object A i E is a finite set with at least two elements and V i = 1 m V ( A i ) . To generalize the results on graph colourings to simple object systems we define, analogously as for graphs, that an additive induced-hereditary property of simple object systems over a category C is any class of systems closed under isomorphism, induced-subsystems and disjoint union of systems, respectively. We present a survey of recent results and conditions for object systems to be uniquely partitionable into subsystems of given properties.

How to cite


Jozef Bucko, and Peter Mihók. "On uniquely partitionable relational structures and object systems." Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 26.2 (2006): 281-289. <http://eudml.org/doc/270588>.

abstract = {We introduce object systems as a common generalization of graphs, hypergraphs, digraphs and relational structures. Let C be a concrete category, a simple object system over C is an ordered pair S = (V,E), where E = A₁,A₂,...,Aₘ is a finite set of the objects of C, such that the ground-set $V(A_i)$ of each object $A_i ∈ E$ is a finite set with at least two elements and $V ⊇ ⋃_\{i=1\}^m V(A_i)$. To generalize the results on graph colourings to simple object systems we define, analogously as for graphs, that an additive induced-hereditary property of simple object systems over a category C is any class of systems closed under isomorphism, induced-subsystems and disjoint union of systems, respectively. We present a survey of recent results and conditions for object systems to be uniquely partitionable into subsystems of given properties.},
author = {Jozef Bucko, Peter Mihók},
journal = {Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory},
keywords = {graph; digraph; hypergraph; vertex colouring; uniquely partitionable system},
language = {eng},
number = {2},
pages = {281-289},
title = {On uniquely partitionable relational structures and object systems},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/270588},
volume = {26},
year = {2006},

AU - Jozef Bucko
AU - Peter Mihók
TI - On uniquely partitionable relational structures and object systems
JO - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
PY - 2006
VL - 26
IS - 2
SP - 281
EP - 289
AB - We introduce object systems as a common generalization of graphs, hypergraphs, digraphs and relational structures. Let C be a concrete category, a simple object system over C is an ordered pair S = (V,E), where E = A₁,A₂,...,Aₘ is a finite set of the objects of C, such that the ground-set $V(A_i)$ of each object $A_i ∈ E$ is a finite set with at least two elements and $V ⊇ ⋃_{i=1}^m V(A_i)$. To generalize the results on graph colourings to simple object systems we define, analogously as for graphs, that an additive induced-hereditary property of simple object systems over a category C is any class of systems closed under isomorphism, induced-subsystems and disjoint union of systems, respectively. We present a survey of recent results and conditions for object systems to be uniquely partitionable into subsystems of given properties.
LA - eng
KW - graph; digraph; hypergraph; vertex colouring; uniquely partitionable system
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/270588
ER -


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