$\Cal I$-convergence and extremal $\Cal I$-limit points
Pavel Kostyrko; Martin Máčaj; Tibor Šalát; Martin Sleziak
Mathematica Slovaca (2005)
- Volume: 55, Issue: 4, page 443-464
- ISSN: 0139-9918
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topKostyrko, Pavel, et al. "$\Cal I$-convergence and extremal $\Cal I$-limit points." Mathematica Slovaca 55.4 (2005): 443-464. <http://eudml.org/doc/32332>.
author = {Kostyrko, Pavel, Máčaj, Martin, Šalát, Tibor, Sleziak, Martin},
journal = {Mathematica Slovaca},
keywords = {density of sets; ideal of sets; porosity; - and -convergence; ; , , maximal ideal},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {443-464},
publisher = {Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences},
title = {$\Cal I$-convergence and extremal $\Cal I$-limit points},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/32332},
volume = {55},
year = {2005},
AU - Kostyrko, Pavel
AU - Máčaj, Martin
AU - Šalát, Tibor
AU - Sleziak, Martin
TI - $\Cal I$-convergence and extremal $\Cal I$-limit points
JO - Mathematica Slovaca
PY - 2005
PB - Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
VL - 55
IS - 4
SP - 443
EP - 464
LA - eng
KW - density of sets; ideal of sets; porosity; - and -convergence; ; , , maximal ideal
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/32332
ER -
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