Systèmes de points, diviseurs et structure fractale

Michel Mendès France; Gérald Tenenbaum

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France (1993)

  • Volume: 121, Issue: 2, page 197-225
  • ISSN: 0037-9484

How to cite


Mendès France, Michel, and Tenenbaum, Gérald. "Systèmes de points, diviseurs et structure fractale." Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 121.2 (1993): 197-225. <>.

author = {Mendès France, Michel, Tenenbaum, Gérald},
journal = {Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France},
keywords = {fractals; systems of points; distribution of prime divisors; distribution of typical integers; divisors; fractal dimension; Hausdorff dimension; structure of sets of normalized divisors of integers},
language = {fre},
number = {2},
pages = {197-225},
publisher = {Société mathématique de France},
title = {Systèmes de points, diviseurs et structure fractale},
url = {},
volume = {121},
year = {1993},

AU - Mendès France, Michel
AU - Tenenbaum, Gérald
TI - Systèmes de points, diviseurs et structure fractale
JO - Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
PY - 1993
PB - Société mathématique de France
VL - 121
IS - 2
SP - 197
EP - 225
LA - fre
KW - fractals; systems of points; distribution of prime divisors; distribution of typical integers; divisors; fractal dimension; Hausdorff dimension; structure of sets of normalized divisors of integers
UR -
ER -


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