Boundary value problems with jumping nonlinearities

Svatopluk Fučík

Časopis pro pěstování matematiky (1976)

  • Volume: 101, Issue: 1, page 69-87
  • ISSN: 0528-2195

How to cite


Fučík, Svatopluk. "Boundary value problems with jumping nonlinearities." Časopis pro pěstování matematiky 101.1 (1976): 69-87. <>.

author = {Fučík, Svatopluk},
journal = {Časopis pro pěstování matematiky},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {69-87},
publisher = {Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences},
title = {Boundary value problems with jumping nonlinearities},
url = {},
volume = {101},
year = {1976},

AU - Fučík, Svatopluk
TI - Boundary value problems with jumping nonlinearities
JO - Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
PY - 1976
PB - Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
VL - 101
IS - 1
SP - 69
EP - 87
LA - eng
UR -
ER -


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  5. S. Fučík, M. Kučera, J. Nečas, Ranges of nonlinear asymptotically linear operators, Journ. Diff. Equations 17, 1975, 375-394. (1975) MR0372696
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Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Jean Mawhin, Boundary value problems with nonlinearities having infinite jumps
  2. Svatopluk Fučík, Remarks on the solvability and nonsolvability of weakly nonlinear equations
  3. Juan J. Nieto, Remarks on some nonlinear Dirichlet problems with unbounded nonlinearities
  4. Pavel Drábek, Ranges of a -homogeneous operators and their perturbations
  5. Vendula Honzlová Exnerová, Notes on the Fučík spectrum and the mixed boundary value problem
  6. Jean Mawhin, Walo Omana, Two-point boundary value problems for nonlinear perturbations of some singular linear differential equations at resonance
  7. P.J. McKenna, Howard Shaw, The structure of the solution set of some nonlinear problems
  8. Flavio Donati, A note on the solvability of nonlinear elliptic problems with jumping nonlinearities
  9. Alessandro Fonda, Fabio Zanolin, Periodic solutions to second order differential equations of Liénard type with jumping nonlinearities
  10. Antonio Marino, Claudio Saccon, Some variational theorems of mixed type and elliptic problems with jumping nonlinearities

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