Energy estimates and Liouville theorems for harmonic maps

Kenshô Takegoshi

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure (1990)

  • Volume: 23, Issue: 4, page 563-592
  • ISSN: 0012-9593

How to cite


Takegoshi, Kenshô. "Energy estimates and Liouville theorems for harmonic maps." Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure 23.4 (1990): 563-592. <>.

author = {Takegoshi, Kenshô},
journal = {Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure},
keywords = {energy of harmonic maps; holomorphic maps of Kähler manifolds; Liouville theorems; plurisubharmonic functions; volume growth},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {563-592},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {Energy estimates and Liouville theorems for harmonic maps},
url = {},
volume = {23},
year = {1990},

AU - Takegoshi, Kenshô
TI - Energy estimates and Liouville theorems for harmonic maps
JO - Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
PY - 1990
PB - Elsevier
VL - 23
IS - 4
SP - 563
EP - 592
LA - eng
KW - energy of harmonic maps; holomorphic maps of Kähler manifolds; Liouville theorems; plurisubharmonic functions; volume growth
UR -
ER -


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