Generators of an Abelian Group of Invertible Measure-Preserving Transformations. Stefan Sujan — 1980 Monatshefte für Mathematik
Some stationary source and joint source-channel coding theorems with a fidelity criterion Štefan Šujan — 1986 Kybernetika
A local structure of stationary perfectly noiseless codes between stationary non-ergodic sources. II. Applications Štefan Šujan — 1982 Kybernetika
A local structure of stationary perfectly noiseless codes between stationary non-ergodic sources. III. Relative isomorphism of non-ergodic transformations Štefan Šujan — 1985 Kybernetika
A local structure of stationary perfectly noiseless codes between stationary non-ergodic sources. I. General considerations Štefan Šujan — 1982 Kybernetika
Epsilon-rates, epsilon-quantiles, and group coding theorems for finitely additive information sources Štefan Šujan — 1980 Kybernetika