Continuite-Besov des operateurs definis par des integrales singulieres.
For s>0, we consider bounded linear operators from into whose kernels K satisfy the conditions for x≠y, |γ|≤ [s]+1, for |γ|=[s], x≠y. We establish a new criterion for the boundedness of these operators from into the homogeneous Sobolev space . This is an extension of the well-known T(1) Theorem due to David and Journé. Our arguments make use of the function T(1) and the BMO-Sobolev space. We give some applications to the Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces as well as some other potential...
In this paper we consider the regularity problem for the commutators where is a locally integrable function and are the Riesz transforms in the -dimensional euclidean space . More precisely, we prove that these commutators are bounded from into the Besov space for and if and only if is in the -Triebel-Lizorkin space . The reduction of our result to the case gives in particular that the commutators are bounded form into the Sobolev space if and only if is in the -Sobolev...
L'objet de ce travail est l'étude de la continuité des opérateurs d'intégrales singulières (au sens de Calderón-Zygmund) sur les espaces de Sobolev H. Il complète le travail fondamental de David-Journé [6], concernant le cas s = 0, et ceux de P. G. Lemarié [10] et M. Meyer [11] concernant le cas 0 < s < 1.
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