On the Bohr radius for two classes of holomorphic functions.
The Bohr radius for power series of holomorphic functions mapping Reinhardt domains 𝓓 ⊂ ℂⁿ into a convex domain G ⊂ ℂ is independent of the domain G.
The well known theorem of Rogosinski asserts that if the modulus of the sum of a power series is less than 1 in the open unit disk: , |z| < 1, then all its partial sums are less than 1 in the disk of radius 1/2: , |z| < 1/2, and this radius is sharp. We present a generalization of this theorem to holomorphic mappings of the open unit ball into an arbitrary convex domain. Other multidimensional analogs of Rogosinski’s theorem as well as some applications to dynamical systems are considered....
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