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Polydisc slicing in n

Krzysztof OleszkiewiczAleksander Pełczyński — 2000

Studia Mathematica

Let D be the unit disc in the complex plane ℂ. Then for every complex linear subspace H in n of codimension 1, v o l 2 n - 2 ( D n - 1 ) v o l 2 n - 2 ( H D n ) 2 v o l 2 n - 2 ( D n - 1 ) . The lower bound is attained if and only if H is orthogonal to the versor e j of the jth coordinate axis for some j = 1,...,n; the upper bound is attained if and only if H is orthogonal to a vector e j + σ e k for some 1 ≤ j < k ≤ n and some σ ∈ ℂ with |σ| = 1. We identify n with 2 n ; by v o l k ( · ) we denote the usual k-dimensional volume in 2 n . The result is a complex counterpart of Ball’s [B1] result for...

Some remarks on Toeplitz multipliers and Hankel matrices

Aleksander PełczyńskiFyodor Sukochev — 2006

Studia Mathematica

Consider the set of all Toeplitz-Schur multipliers sending every upper triangular matrix from the trace class into a matrix with absolutely summable entries. We show that this set admits a description completely analogous to that of the set of all Fourier multipliers from H₁ into ℓ₁. We characterize the set of all Schur multipliers sending matrices representing bounded operators on ℓ₂ into matrices with absolutely summable entries. Next, we present a result (due to G. Pisier) that the upper triangular...

TRAVAUX sur L'ANALYSE FONCTIONELLE avec l'article de A. Pełczyński sur la théorie des espaces de Banach Stefan Banach, Ouevres Volume II

comité de rédaction: Czesław Bessaga, Stanisław mazur, Władysław Orlicz, Aleksander Pełczyński, Stefan Rolewicz, Wiesław Żelazko Front page of Volume II, p.1-1 Tables des Matières, p.1-4 Préface, p.5-5 Publications de Stefan Banach, p.7-11 S. Banach: Front page and preface to "THÉORIE DES OPÉRATIONS LINÉAIRES" (MONOGRAFIE MATEMATYCZNE V.1), p.13-18 S. Banach: THÉORIE DES OPÉRATIONS LINÉAIRES (MONOGRAFIE MATEMATYCZNE T.1), p.19-222 C. Bessaga, A. Pełczyński: SOME ASPECTS OF THE PRESENT THEORY OF...

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