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A generalization of amenability and inner amenability of groups

Ali Ghaffari — 2012

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be a locally compact group. We continue our work [A. Ghaffari: Γ -amenability of locally compact groups, Acta Math. Sinica, English Series, 26 (2010), 2313–2324] in the study of Γ -amenability of a locally compact group G defined with respect to a closed subgroup Γ of G × G . In this paper, among other things, we introduce and study a closed subspace A Γ p ( G ) of L ( Γ ) and then characterize the Γ -amenability of G using A Γ p ( G ) . Various necessary and sufficient conditions are found for a locally compact group to possess...

Convolution operators on the dual of hypergroup algebras

Ali Ghaffari — 2003

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let X be a hypergroup. In this paper, we define a locally convex topology β on L ( X ) such that ( L ( X ) , β ) * with the strong topology can be identified with a Banach subspace of L ( X ) * . We prove that if X has a Haar measure, then the dual to this subspace is L C ( X ) * * = cl { F L ( X ) * * ; F has compact carrier}. Moreover, we study the operators on L ( X ) * and L 0 ( X ) which commute with translations and convolutions. We prove, among other things, that if wap ( L ( X ) ) is left stationary, then there is a weakly compact operator T on L ( X ) * which commutes with convolutions if and...

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