L’object de ce travail est l’etude des fonctions fonctions localement sommable sur , vérifiant (où est Laplacien pris au sens des distributions) et que se comportent à l’infini comme des fonctions sousharmoniques. En parculier, nous caractérisons les fonctious qui sont à la fois bi-sousharmoniques et sousharmoniques.
In this paper, we study the reduit, the thinness and the non-tangential limit associated to a harmonic structure given by coupled partial differential equations. In particular, we obtain such results for biharmonic equation (i.e. ) and equations of type.
In this paper, we study the Martin boundary associated with a harmonic structure given by a coupled partial differential equations system. We give an integral representation for non negative harmonic functions of this structure. In particular, we obtain such results for biharmonic functions (i.e. ) and for non negative solutions of the equation .
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