Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes and parallelizability of Grassmann manifolds Bartík, Vojtěch; Korbaš, Július — 1984 Proceedings of the 12th Winter School on Abstract Analysis
On the Čech and axiomatic cohomology of product spaces Vojtěch Bartík — 1984 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Общaя тeopeмa о зaмoщeнияx нeпpepывныx oтoбpaжeний Vojtěch Bartík — 1975 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Losik cohomology of the Lie algebra of infinitesimal automorphisms of a G -structure Vojtěch Bartík; Jiří Vanžura — 1985 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Losik cohomology of the Lie algebra of infinitesimal automorphisms of a G -structure. II Vojtěch Bartík; Jiří Vanžura — 1990 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
On bijectivity of the canonical transformation [ β G X ; Y ] G → [ X ; Y ] G Vojtěch Bartík; Martin Markl — 1988 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal