Hilbert transforms associated with Dunkl-Hermite polynomials.
We propose the study of some questions related to the Dunkl-Hermite semigroup. Essentially, we characterize the images of the Dunkl-Hermite-Sobolev space, and , , under the Dunkl-Hermite semigroup. Also, we consider the image of the space of tempered distributions and we give Paley-Wiener type theorems for the transforms given by the Dunkl-Hermite semigroup.
In this work we consider the Dunkl operator on the complex plane, defined by We define a convolution product associated with denoted and we study the integro-differential-difference equations of the type , where is a sequence of complex numbers and is a measure over the real line. We show that many of these equations provide representations for particular classes of entire functions of exponential type.
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