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The article contains no abstract
The article contains no abstract
This article refers to one of the important objectives in teaching mathematics – shaping its formal language. It raises the question of teaching methods in crossing the decimal threshold in addition and subtraction, used in Poland for over 50 years, that are too formal for students of the first educational stage, and that boil down to successive transformations on a symbolic level. On one hand, there will be presented a theoretical analysis of literature concerning the formation of the language...
The article contains no abstract
The article contains no abstract
The article concerns the research on students' perception of visual structures in van Hiele's sense (1986). The empirical % 1986 studies described in the paper make use of a combined methodology -- eye-tracking and a written study questionnaire. There was an analysis of the results of 14 pupils in the paper the 1st grade of a middle school and 19 pupils from a secondary school. The subjects were shown slide on a computer screen with task and were requested to solve them. Further eye-tracking parameters...
The article contains no abstract
This article summarizes the third bi-annual conference in the series Chil-dren’s Mathematical Education (CME)1, held from the 2nd of July tillthe 5th of July 2012, in Rzeszów, Poland. It was organized with scientific andadministrative support by the University of Rzeszów, under the chairmanshipof Ewa Swoboda. The theme of the conference was Generalization in mathematicsat all educational levels.
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