In this article we implement different numerical schemes to simulate the Schrödinger-Debye equations that occur in nonlinear optics. Since the existence of blow-up solutions is an open problem, we try to compute such solutions. The convergence of the methods is proved and simulations seem indeed to show that for at least small delays self-focusing solutions may exist.
In this article we implement different numerical schemes to simulate the
Schrödinger-Debye equations that occur in nonlinear optics. Since the
existence of blow-up solutions is an open problem, we try to compute such
solutions. The convergence of the methods is proved and simulations seem
indeed to show that for at least small delays self-focusing solutions may
This article presents the derivation of a semi-classical model of electromagnetic-wave propagation in a non centro-symmetric crystal. It consists of Maxwell’s equations for the wave field coupled with a version of Bloch’s equations which takes fully into account the discrete symmetry group of the crystal. The model is specialized in the case of a KDP crystal for which information about the dipolar moments at the Bloch level can be recovered from the macroscopic dispersion properties of the material....
This article presents the derivation of a semi-classical model of electromagnetic-wave propagation in a non centro-symmetric crystal. It consists of Maxwell's equations for the wave field coupled with a version of Bloch's equations which takes fully into account the discrete symmetry group of the crystal. The model is specialized in the case of a KDP crystal for which information about the dipolar moments at the Bloch level can be recovered from the macroscopic dispersion properties of the material.
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