Some positive Cotes numbers for the Chebyshev weight function. Charles A. Micchelli — 1980 Aequationes mathematicae
Some positive Cotes numbers for the Chebyshev weight function (Short Communication). Charles A. Micchelli — 1979 Aequationes mathematicae
Optimal Sampling of Holomorphic Fuctions. II. Stephen D. Fisher; Charles A. Micchelli Mathematische Annalen
Admissible Slopes for Monotone and Convex Interpolation. Charles A. Micchelli; Alan Edelman — 1987 Numerische Mathematik
Smoothing and interpolation in a convex subset of a Hilbert space : II. The semi-norm case Charles A. Micchelli; Florencio I. Utreras — 1991 ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
Piecewise Polynomial Spaces and Geometric Continuity of Curves. Charles A. Micchelli; Nira Dyn — 1989 Numerische Mathematik
When is the last degree solution of a Bézout identity nonnegative on the interval [-1,1]? Tim N. T. Goodman; Charles A. Micchelli — 2002 RACSAM We give conditions such that the least degree solution of a Bézout identity is nonnegative on the interval [-1,1].